4-.° Spiritual Per feilion. Man fo ved Tares. He did not by Force enter into the Field. 'Tis not fo much from Impotence , as Carelefnefs, that Temptations are let into the Heart, and Corruptions break out. 'Tis not fd much the hock of Habitual Grace that fecures us, but Grace in its vigorous Exercife. Surely David in his Youth had feen as exquifite Beauties as Bath- Jheba, and was preferv'd by Watchful- nefs : but the negle& of his Dutywas fatal to his Purity and Peace. There- fore the Duty is fo often inculcated up.:! on us. We muff be watchful to fly from Temptations : He that prays, Lead me iot into Temptation , and leads himfèlf into it , mocks God, defpifès the dan- ger , plays upon the hole of the Afp , and walks upon the brink of a Preci- pice. He provokes God juftly to de- Eft him. If a General commands a Soldier to fight a Tingle Combat with an Enemy, he will furnifhhimwithArmour Of proof; and fecure . him from Trea- chery but if one be Fool- hardy, and engages himfelf, he may dearly pay for his raí`hnefs. If by the order of Provi- dence, one be brought into tempting Circumf}ances, he may Pray in Faith fò;' Divine Afliftance, that the Lord w ll be