Spiritual Perfec`fion. be at his right hand, and he (hall not be moved: but if one ventures into Temp- tation he will hardly efcape. We are direaed to be fober and vigi- lant againft our fpiritual Enemies. Vi- gilance difcovers the Temptations, and' Temperance fubftraas the Materials of them. Adam by Intemperance ftain'd. his Innocence , and forfeited his Feli çitWe muff be clad with the armour of .Eight, to oppofe the powers of darknefÿ Strange Armour that is tranfparent and may be feen through. The Graces of the Spirit are Armour and Ornament, the Strength and Beauty of the Soul. They are call'd , The Armaa4r of God, for he furnifhes us with them , and teaches us to ufe them, and makes us viaorious. We muff not only Watch but Pray againf{ Temptations. We are preferved by the Interceffion of Chriff in Heaven, and the Spirits Illumination and Prote&ion in our Spiritual Warfare. There are Come things that direEly ftrengthen our Enemies, all tempting Objeas that excite and influence Fleíhly Lulls that war againfi the Soul. Some things indirealy ftrengthen them ; what- ever diverts us from Prayer, and orher Holy Ordinances, difarms us ; whatever diftraEs 141