442 Spiritual Perfecfion. diftraas the Mind , and diffolves the firmnefs of the Will, expofes us more eafily to be overcome. To be carelefs and fecure, as if we were in a fafe Sea, when there are fo many vilble Ship- wrecks, is unaccountable Folly. 'Tis our Duty and Wifdom to keep a Jealous Watch over our Hearts, to fupprefs the fix'd Inclinations to Sin Thoughts and Delires are the Seeds of Anion : and to guard our Senfes, that we may not be fuddenly corrupted. Lot's Wife by a lingering Look after Sodom, was turn'd into a Pillar of Salt, to make us fearful, by her Example, of the occafions of Sin. Efpecially we mull dire± our Care to prevent our being furpriz'd, againlf the Sins that fò eafily encompaß us, and whereby we have been often foii'd. If a befieged City has one part of the Walls weaker, and more liable to be taken, Care will be taken to ftrengthen it, and to double the Guards there. Let us be watchful againfl (mall Sins, if we delire to be preíerv'd from grea- ter : for we are train'd on by fins of weaker evidence to fins of greater Guilt. Some are fo Confirm'd in Holinefs, that theDevil does not tempt them to tranf grefs the Law in a notorious manner but