Spiritual PerfeHion. but lays Snares for them in things of lelfer moment. Betides, there are Sin- ners of different degrees , yet they all finally perifh. Some with a full Career throw themfelves head-long into Hell. Others go lowly ftep by fiep, but cer- tainly drop into it. To Conclude, if we delire to be pre` ferv'd from Sin, let us avoid engaging Company : many Perfons would refift the force of Natural Inclination, but when that is excited by the Examples of others, they are eafily vantluifh'd. A pure Stream paffing through a Sink will run thick and muddy. On the contra- ry, Society with the Saints is a happy Advantage to make us like them. As Waters that pafs through Medicinal. Minerals, derive a Healing Tinaure from them. In fhort, the prefent World is a continual Temptation , and we lhould always be employed in thofe things, either in our General or Parti- cular Callings that either direly or virtually may preferve us from its Con- tagion. We are in a Rate of Warfare ; though not always in Fight, yet always in the Field expos'd to our Spiritual Enemies that War agaänJt our Souls : and our Vigilance and Care should be ac- cordingly. 2. The 443