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Spiritual Perfecion. God on wings of Fire, with all poffiblo Ardency of Afeaions : The effeítual fer- vent Prayer of a righteous Man avails much. Watchfulnefs refpeas both the time and degrees of our Duties. We are commanded, as we have opportuni- ty, to do good unto all Men, e becially to the houfhold of Faith ; and to fhezv Mercy with chearfulnefs. We Mould not lofe the golden opportunity of relieving the Obje&s of Charity, and be diligent in our Bufinefs, and to cut off fuperfluous Expences, that we may be liberal. We fllould be careful to keep every Grace in its vigorous exercife. In Mort, the Soul is a principle of Life to the Body, from its firfI Being to its laft Breath, guides its motions, prevents the dangers to which 'tis liable, provides for its wel- fare : Howmuch more reafonable is it, that it Mould be a Soul to it felf, vi- gilant and aElive , to improve every Advantage for its Happinefs and Perfe- ction. 6. A due regard to the Duties of our feveral Relations is very neceffary, in order to our perfeaing of Holinefs. Re- lations may be confider'd under three general Heads ; Dome.flical, Sacred, Ci- vil. Domeílical, between Husband and Wife, Parents ànd Children, Mailers and 445