446 Spiritual Perf e lion. and Servants. There is a general Duty that binds all Relations, and particular Relative to their feveral ffates. There is Superiority in a Husband, Sovereignty in Parents, Authority in Mailers, but it muff be temper'd with Difcretion , In- dulgence and Humanity, in the exercife of it. The mutual Duty of Husband and Wife is Love , wherein the Soci- ety, Sweetnefs and Felicity, of Mar- riage confif}s. In this is included the bearing with the Infirmities of one ano- ther, that allays the fierce Paillons, that are the caufe of Strife, and makes the patient party better. The exercife of this Affeaion is diffinguifh'd ; the Love of the Husband is counfélling and com- forting, providing and proteEing ; the Love of the Wife, obfequious and afl'iff- ing. His Superiority and her Subjeai- on muff be fweeten'd with Love. The Husband muff not be bitter , nor the Wife fowre. The Husband mull go- vern the Wife, as the Soul does the Bo- dy, with wifdom and tendernefse There is a fervile SubjeLuion, from fear of Pu- nifhment, or hope of Gain, and a liberal Subjeaion, full of freedom, from Love ; and this is of Wives to Husbands, and of Children to Parents. The Wife, rho' inferiour, is a fellow-ruler with him over Chit-