Spiritual Perfeí` áon; Children and Servants. She is fubjea as his Vicegerent, always preferving Love and Reverence in Affeaion, and expref- fngMeeknefs and Obedience in A&ions. She, as his Deputy, is to difpofe things for his Credit and Profit. Prudence IS requifite in both, that they maydepofite their Cares in each others Bofoms, and fruit their fecret 'Thoughts as fecurely as in their own Hearts. The principal Duty of Husbands and Wives is, a ten- der Care for the Good of each others Souls : The Husband fhould lead her in the way to Eternal Life, by his Counfel and Example ; and the Wife by her humble and holy Converfation, recom mend Religion to his Mind and Affe aions. TheSovcraïgnty of Parents over Chil- dren mutt be mix'd with tender AffeEtt ons, not with Rigour. We are com- rnanded, Parents provoke not your Chil dren to wrath, left they be difcouraged. The Duty of Children, is to reverence and obey their Parents, in all things that are pleating to God. There can be no du- tiful Love without Fear , nor Paternal Authority without Love. The religious and fecular Government of the Family, is in the Husband and Wife, who are like the two great Luminaries in the Heavens; 447