Bates - BT766 B3 1699

44.8 Spiritual Perfection. Heavens, the one rules in the abfence cif the other : But 'tis principally in the Husband. This teftimony is given of Abraham, that fo endear'd him to the Favour and Friendship of God, as to reveal his fecret Counfèls to him I know Abraham, that he will command his Children and Servants, and Houfhold af- ter him, and they ,fhall keep the way of the Lord. The Mafter muff not be imperious, auftere and fierce, but manage his Power with that Condefcenfion and Lenity, with that exaEt performance of what is due to his Servants, as becomes one that is accountable to the univerfal Mafter, before whom he muff: ftand in an equal Line, and with whom there is no acceptance of Perfans. Servants muff be humble, incorrupt , diligent and faithful. Our Saviour inquires; Who is that wife and faithful Servant ? And theMafter calling his Servants to an account, Pays, Well done good and faithful Servant. The Wifdom and Goodnefs of a Servant con- Os in his Fidelity. In thort, The ne- glea of Prayer; holy Inftruaion, and Petting a Pattern of Holinefs to the Fa- mily, the not watching for the Sows of Children and Servants to reftrain them from Evil ; and excite them to Good , will