Spiritual Pèlefêc ior'. Will be a terrible Accufátion againi ra by Parents and Mafrers at the Day of Judgment. The Prcvifon for the Family is ark indifpenfable Duty upon the Mailer of it. There is a Divine Alliance between the Precepts of the Law, they are all to be Obeyed in their feafon. The Du. ties of the firft Table, do hot fuperfede Our obedience to the Duties of the fe@ cond. If an Eagle fhould only gaze on the brightnefs of the Sun, and foffer ith young ones to ftarve in the Neff, it Were prodigioufly unnatural. He that by a pretence Of ferving God in AEs of immediate Worship, negleas to provide for his Family, is worfe than an Infidel. But how will thole, who by Wafting their Eftates, or Idlenefs, Ruin their Families, appear before the Judgment Seat of God ? The Superiours in the Family thuff preferve Order and Tranquility in it The Fire of Difcord turns a Houle intd a Little Heil, full of the tormenting Paffions, Sorrow and Anguifh, Difdain and Defpight, Malice and Envy, that blaft the molt ffourifhing Families; But when Religion, that is pare dyad peaceable, Governs the Houle , it turns it into a I'aradife, where the Goti of Peke dwells, G g and 449