4-50 Spiritual PerfeHion. and delights , and difpenfes the moll precious Fruits of his Favour. Wif- dom and Watchfulnefs are requifite to maintain an Harmonious Agreement in Families wherein are Perfons of diffe- rent and contrary Tempers. Some are of Inch unnatural Difpofitions, that they love Jars and D.iffentions, as fome plants thrive on the top of the Alps, where they a*.e continually c .pos'd to Storms. There is filch and Irregularity in the Difpofitions of fome, that between thole Perlons there is fierce Hatred, where intire Love is due : the Difcord between Brothers is deeply wounding, and hardly curable. The reafon of it is evident, for where by the Law of Nature, the dearth Love is requir'd and expeEed) the not obtaining it is fo injurious and provoking, that the Hatred in one, is equal to the Love to which the other does not Correfpond. The Spartan Ma- gif}rates, Celebrated for their Wifdorn and JuPcice, being inform'd of frequent Quarrels between two Brothers, likely to end in bloody Contentions, they fens for their Father and punifh'd him, as more Culpable and Guilty, in not time. ly Corre1ing them. Ruling Wifdom in the Father of the Family, fo as to conciliate Love with Refpetq, Severity Raix'd