Spiritual .Per fec` ion. mix'd with Sweetnefs ( which rarely meet) are neceffary to prevent, or corn pofe Diffentions in thofe little Common- wealths. In order to this, the prime Care muff be to quench the firft fparks that appear, that are feeds pregnant with Fire : if they are blown up and fed with Mate- rials, they break forth into a fudden Flame. And in the fecond place, to ob- ferve and imploy every one in the Family in what is proper for them. As the Stones in an Arch muff be fo cut and formad, that they may point one againff another, and fupport one another : thus there are variety of Tempers and Ta- lents in a Family, and 'tis the Wifdom of Superiours to obferve and employ the feveral Perfons for the good of the whole. In fhort, Authority is accepted with more eafie fubmiffàon in the Title of a Father, than of a Mafter. Therefore as Seneca obferves , the Romans , that they might prevent Envy towards Ma-, ífers, and Contempt of the Servants call'd the Maffer, The Father of the Fa- mily. 2 There is a Sacred Relation be. tween Paftor and People. I fall but glance on the Duties belonging to therm G g 2 Evan- 451 Y ' Familiarttfuarrl coercuit, quod plerifque non minus arduunt quarr regere Provinceam, 7'eJtìmonium Taciti de Agricola. Societas mittel lapidum forni- cdtionifimilli- ma oft, vice cafira nifi ins vicempbJiarent hoc ipJafintine tur: áenA r