451 Spiritual PerfeEfion. Evangelical Paftors are compar'd to the Luminaries of Heaven, that by their Light, Heat and Influences are fo bene- ficial to the lower World. If they are Clouded with Ignorance ,, or Eclips'd by the Interpofition of Earthly things , they are ufelefs. There are divers de- grees of fubftantial Learning and Spiri- tual Skill, but a fuficiency of Knowledge for the great work of faving Souls is requifite in all. Zeal united withKnow- ledge, is an indifpenfable Qualification. When the Apoftles were fill'd with the Holy Ghoft, defcending in the fignifi- cant Emblem of Fiery Tongues, of what admirable Efficacy was their Preach- ing ? The firft SermonConverted Three Thoufarid, that were Murderers of our Saviour, and had the flains of his Blood frefh upon them. Tongues of Fleíh are without°Vigour , and make no failing Impreflion on the Hearers, but Tongues of Fire have "a Divine Force and Ope- ration to difpel the Errors of Mens Minds, and quicken their Affeaions, to Refine and Purifie their Converfations. They muff be diligent and watchful for the Souls of their people , a thofe who mull give an Account to the Supreme Pallor and Redeemer of Souls. And as they muff Teach , what they Learn from the Gofpely.