Bates - BT766 B3 1699

4 Spiritual Perfeclion. 3. The Civil Relation between the Magiftrates and People bind them to the refpe&ive Duties of their different States. Magiftrates Supreme and Sub- ordinate, in the Scale of Government, are the Minifters of God for the good of the People. They derive their Au- thority from him, and are filled Gods, by an Analogy and Deputation, which necefiarily infers they muff Rule for his Glory. The end of the Magiftracy Mould be the end of the Magiftrates in the exercife of Government, that their A Time 2' 2. Subjects may lead a peaceable and quiet life, in all godlinefs and honelly. The Prince, as the Natural Head, has the Supremacy in Place and Dignity over all the parts of the Body , and is vigilant for their 7Prefervation, fo being the Political Head, highly exalted above all degrees in the Kingdom, muff be provident and foh- :it_ovs for the Temporal Intereft, and the Eternal Benefit of his Subjeas. He muff make Laws Holy, Jufl and Good, as becomes his Lieutenancy to Chri{f and to Command the Execution of them. He is to confider that the Ani- ons of Kings are Examples, and their E,xamples Rules, more influential unto he Lives of their Subjeas than their Laws, Thof