Bates - BT766 B3 1699

Spiritual Per ion. 4 5 5 Thofe who are in the Seat of Judica- ture, mutt difpenfe Judgment with a clear Serenity , with calm Tranquility. of Mind, without Partiality and Pafi ons ; they mutt not HonQur the Rich, nor Favour the Poor, but be true to their Light and Integrity. All that are Coracern'd, in their leve- rat Stations, fhould difpenfe a vigorous Influence for the fupprellng Vice, and enrJuragement of Vertue and accord- ing to the Apoftles Rule, Jbould be a ter- ror to evil doers, and a praife to thofi who do well. Eîpecially they fhould be cloth'd with Zeal in punishing Offenders, that do not hide their horrid Abominations, but commit them without fear of the Light ,}` TNir.9ture , and out-dale Satan when irl: _ :` .ice -and Incontinence , and Intemperai umph in the Ruins of Modeíty, Cha- ftity, and Sobriety. Seneca tells of forne in old Rome, that were not afham'd of the fouleft Sins, but when defcrib'd and reprefented on the Theatre, gloried in their fhame. This heighth of Villany ratidit fig, fi was not limited to the Age of Nero, but cone icïure to this Extremity Vice is arriv'd in our der, Times. If by ¡tiff Severity, Inch Pub- lick 4nd Crying Wickeduefs be not fup- preft, what reafon is there to fear that G g 4 the