Spiritual Perfection. the Righteous fudge of the World will make the Nation a fpeEacle of vifible Vengeance, and vindicate the Honour of his defpis'd Deity ? How will Mag- ffrates, that are carelefs in the Executi- on of the Laws, appear beforè the im- partial Tribunal above, when befides the uilt of their Sins by 'Perfonal Commit- ion, they íhall be charg'd with the Sins Committed by their Connivance, fach heap'd Damnation will fink them into the loweft Hell. The Duty of Subjeas, is the higheff Reverence of the Sacred Authority wherewith Princes are Invefled. They mutt pay Tributé for the fupport of thé Government. They muff Obey for God, as Princes rnufr Rule for God. But in Sinful things, as Princes have no Power to Command, `fo thé Subjeas are under po obligation to obey. To Conclude this Argument, there is no Counfel more direai've and pro- fitable for our arriving to an excellent Degree of Holinefs, than this : let our prgrefs. in the way to Heaven, k with the fame Zeal, as we felt in our frft entrance into it, and with the fame fé- rioufn.efs, as when we {ball come to the end of it. The fiat and lafr Anions of thSai- uy the moll Ex- , , cant. 4