458 Spiritual ,PerfecClion. them by preventing and prevailing Grace. They have the quickeft Senfe of their Obligations to the Redeemer, and the molt fenfible Relifhes of his Love, in Communion with him. We read of the. Lame Man from his Birth, that upon his Miraculous Healing, when be felt a new current of Spirits in his Nerves, and his Feet and Arms were ftrengthen'd , that he entred with the Apoftles into the Temple , Walking and Leaping and Praiftng of God. This is a refemblance of the Zealous AffeEti, ons of new Converts, when they feel filch an admirable Change in them they run in the u'ayes of God's Command- ments with enlarged hearts they have fuch fla.fhes of Illumination, and Rap- tures of Joy , that engage them in a Courfe of Obedience. The Holy Spirit infpires themwith new Defires, and af- fords new Pleafures to endear Religion to them. 'Tis not only their Work but Recreation and Reward. But alas how often are the firtt Heats allayed, and ftronger Refolutions decline to Remifnefs. Our Saviour tells the Church of Ephefars, I have fomewhat a- gain; thee, bacaufe thou haft left thy NI love, Remember from whence thou art fal- len , and repent, and do thy firft works. 'Tj