Bates - BT766 B3 1699

Spiritual Per f e67ion. 'Tis faid of Jehofapbat, that he walk'd the firft ways of his father David mating, there was a vifible declenfion in his Zeal. He was not fo accurate in his Converfation afterward. The Con- verted are many times not fo frequent and fervent inGod's Service, and though by the conftraining Judgment of Con- fcience, Duties are not totally omitted, yet they are not perform'd with that Reverence and Delight as at firft. They are more venturous to engage them- felves in Temptations, and more ready to comply with them. They are tir'd with the length of their Travel, and the difficulties of their Way, and drive on heavily. We fhould with Tears of Con, fufion remember the difparity between our Zealous Beginnings, and flack Pro, fecution in Religion ; we fhould blufh with Shame, and tremble with Fear, at the ftrange decay of Grace, and re- collecf our felves , and re-inforce our Will to proceed with Vigorous Con- ftancy. And when the Saints are ready to enter into the Unchangeable State , when the Spirit is to return to God that gave it, how intire and intent are they to finish the Work of their Salvation ? How Spiritual and Heaven- ly are their Difpofitions ? With what Solem- 459