Bates - BT766 B3 1699

460 Spiritual Perfection. Solemnity do they prepare for the Di- vine Prefence ? How exaaly do they drefs their Souls for Eternity, and trim their Lamps, that they may be admit- ted into the Joys of the Bridegroom. How is the World vilified in their E- fteem, and unfavoury to their Delires ? The Lord is exalted in that day. The nearer they approach to Heaven, the more its Attraaive Force is felt. When the Crown of Glory is in their view , and they hear the Mufick of Heaven , and are refréfh' with the fragancy of Paradife , w1a', a blaze of Holy Affe&ion breaks worth ? When Yacob was Biding his Sors upon his Death-bed, he in a fidden Rapture Ad. dreffes himfelf to. God, O Lord, I have waited for thy falvation ! As if his Soul had Afcended to Heaven before it left the Body. '0 when fhall I appear before God ! was the fainting defire of the Pfalmift. If Communion with God in the Earthly Tabernacle was fo precious, howmuch more is the immediate Frui- tion of him in the Cceleftial Temple .? If one day in the Courts below be worth a fhoufand, an hour in the Courts < above is worth ten thaufand. Let us therefore by our ferious Thoughts often reprefent to our felves the