30 Spiritual PerfeHion. but defires that the caufe of his Life, in the day of Judg- ment, may be tryed by the Tribunal of Clemency ; for no Man can then be faved but by Pardon. The due Confederation of this will make us more hardly pro- voked , and more eafily appeafed with thofe who offend us. - Let us pray for the defcent of the Dove-likeSpirit into our Bofoms, toma. derate and temper our Pailìons. Meeks ne/l is the fruit of the Spirit. Gal, 5. 22. There is a Natural Meeknefs, the pro- -' du& of the Temperament of the Hu- -mours in the Body ; this is a rare Feli- city : There is a Moral Meeknefs, the produE of Education and Counfel ; this is an amiable Vertue : There is a Spiri- -tuai Meeknefs, that orders the Paffions according to the Rule of the Divine --Law, in conformity to our Saviour's Ex- , ample : This is a Divine Grace , that attraas the elkem and love of God him- Pelf. This prepares us for Communion with the God of Peace here , and in Heaven. To obtain this excellent frame of Spi- rit, let us be humble in our Minds, and temperate in our Affeír}ions , with re- =pet to thole things that are the incen- tives Nec efl qu'rjquam cui tam val- de innocenti jua placeat, ut non flare in conjpeílu Clemen- tiam paratam Humanis erro- Tibia audeat. Sen, deClem.