Bates - BT766 B3 1699

Spiritual Per f ection. tives of Pailion. The falle valuations of our felves , and the things of this World, are the inward caufes df finfijl Anger. Contempt and Difdain, either real or apprehended , and the croflìng our deliires of worldly enjoyments, in- flame our Breath. Our Saviour tells us, he is meek and lowly ; and Meeknefs is joyned withTemperance, as the produ- aive and confervative caufe of it. He that doth not over-value himfelf , nor inordinately affe& temporal things, is hardlyprovoked, andeafily appealed. 3. I will confider the two other vici- ous Affeaions, joyned by St. John with the Lullsof the Fleib, the Luff of the Eyes, and Pride of Life ; from which we muff be purged, or we are uncapa- ble of the bleffed relation of God's Chil- dren, and of his Favour. The infamous Charaaer of the Cretians, is proper to the ambitious, covetous and voluptuous ; That theyare evil beafls , and /lou' bellies. Covetoufnefs is a diffufive Evil, that cor- rupts the whole Soul. 'Tis radically in the Underffanding , principally in the Will and Affe&ions, vertually in the A&ions. i. 'Tis radically in the Underffanding. Men are firft inchanted in their Opinion of Riches, and then chained by their AffeEions.