36 Spiritual Per fetClion. Avaro tam de- Benefits : He wants what he has, as eft quod habet, well as that he has not. gfam pod non habet. 3. They are defeaive in ufing Riches. If they do Works, externally good, the fpring and motive is vicious and the Ends more furely difcover ; Ien than their A&ions. They donot aas of Pie- ty and Charity in Obedience and Thank- fulnefs, to imitate and honour God, but fometimes for Reputation and Fame ; as the Pharifies (whole infeparable proper- ties were Pride and Covetoufnefs) dif- Mat. 6. pens'd their Alms with the found of a Trumpet , to call the Poor together. Other Sins require fhades and retire- ments, but Pride to be confpicuoufly di- ftinguifh'd from others. 2. Sometimes they do Good, to com- pound with God, and appeafe Confci- ence , for their unrighteous procuring Riches : Their Gifts are Sin-offerings to expiate the Guilt contraaed by ill gotten Goods , not Thank - offerings for God's free Favours and Benefits. To counte- nance their Opinion and rraaice, they alledge our Saviour's Counfel, Make to your felves friends of the mammon of un- righteoufneff, that when ye fail, they may receive you into everlafling habitations : As if bellowing part of their unrighteous Gains, would purchafe a difcharge from the arrears due to Divine Juflice. Can there