Spiritual Per f e ion. The Word of God has no corn. landing perfwafive power upon them. The Word declares, that CovetoufnefJ is Idolatry ; for it depofes God, and places the World, the Idol of Mens Heads and Hearts, in his Throne : It deprives him of his Regalia, his Royal Prerogatives, which he has referved to himfelf in the Empire of the World. He is infinitely jealous of our transferring them to the Creature. Our higheft Adoration and Efteem, our Confidence and Trull, our Love andComplacency, our Dependance and Obfervance, are entirely and effen- tially due to him. Who in the Heaven Pal- 494 can be compared to the Lord ? Who among the Tons of the mighty can be likened to Pfat. 73. 25. him ? Whom have I in Heaven but thee ? and there is none upon Earth I delire in dam. 3. comparifon of thee. The Lord is my por- $rov. a$ö ro, tion, faith mySoul. The name of the Lord a r is a ftrongTower, the righteaus fly to it, and are fafe. Behold, as the eyes of Ser- wants look to the hands of their Maffers fo our eyes wait upon the Lord our God, until he have Mercy upon us. ThereScrip- tures are declarative of thofe eternal re- fpeas that are due to God from reafon- able Creatures ; and he is highly difho- noured and difpleafed, when they are alienated from him. Now the Covetous deifie the World The rich Man's Riches Arq