Bates - BT766 B3 1699

Spiritual Perfe1ion. notorious Sinners , guilty of the moíf filthy Lulls, natural and unnatural. Did Men believe and prize Heaven , how would this terrible denuntiation ftrike them through ? But what Tongue has fo keen an edge , as to cut a paffage through Rocks, the hardned Hearts of the Covetous ? The Word cannot enter into the Confcience and Converfation of the Earthly-minded. If you difcourfe to them of Righteoufnefs and 'udgment to come, they are not at leifure to hear, or will not attend. Tell them of another World, when they are ready to be ex- pell'd from this prefent World. We have a molt convincing Inflance of in- efficacy of Divine InfiruEion upon the Covetous. Our Saviour direEled his Au- ditory to thebell ufe of. Riches, in doing Good to the Saints in their Wants, that after death, they might be introduced into Luke everlafling habitations : And 'tis faid , that the Pharifees , who were covetous , heard all theft things , and derided him. They were fix'd in their Principles, and refolutions to increafe and fecure their Wealth : They had their Religion in nu- 2nerato ; Gain was their Godlinefs ; and were fo ftrongly conceited of their own Wifdom, that they defpifed the Autho- rity, Counfel, and Love of the Son of God. 2. The 45 io. I4r