Spiritual .der f ecC on. the Wealth of the Flota, is not rich to- wards God, but wretched, and mifirable, Rev. and poor , and blind, and naked. God offers himfelf to be our Portion, who is rich in all Perfeaions, whole Treafures are unfearchable and unwaffed : If we leek his Love, and Grace to love him, we (hall inherit fubflance and durable Riches. The Apoftle, when the fcales were fallen from his Eyes, difcovered fuch an excellency in the knowledgeof Chrift, that he counted all things lofs and dung , that he might have an intereft in him.. This eminent advantage there is in Peek- ing Heavenly Treafures, we íhall cer- tainly obtain them, and never be depri- ved of them ; whereas the moft eager purfuit of Earthly Riches, is uncertainly fuccefsful ; and if we do acquire them, they will certainly be loft. Now as in- ward bleeding that endangers Life , is ftop'd by revulfìon, in opening á Vein ; fo if the ftream of our AffeEions be di- reaed to things above, it will flop their impetuous current to things below. 2. The liberal ufe of Riches for the Glory of God, and in Charity to others, is the belt means to fecure the tenure of our Temporal Pofeflions : For the ne- gle& of paying the Tribute we owe to God, makes a forfeiture of our 'Mates ; and he can by Right and Power refume E 3 then, 5 3 3.