Bates - BT766 B3 1699

Sp ritual leerfec ion; them in a moment. Befides, there is no Epithet more proper to be joyn'd with Riches,than uncertain.Is that Man certain- ly rich, whof entire Eftate is in a Ship, failing through dangerous Seas, and open to frequent Piracies ? There is no greater a diftance between a Tempeft and a Shipwrack, than between often and al- Ways. Innumerable Difafters are immi- nent, and nearly threaten the undoing of the richefl Man But God who com- mands the Winds and the Seas, and go- erns the Wills of Men, whore Provi- dence order iLite loft fortuitous Events, .has promifed, that liberal Man, who devifeth liberal things, he fhall "land: He has a ípecial ProteElrion and as he is like to God in giving, fo he (hall be in not being poorer for his giving. The Apofile encourages Chriftians not to be Covetous , by this Argument, God has Paid, I will never leave thee, nor forfake thee We may firmly rely on his Pro- ánife ; for Truth is the foundation of truft, and refl on his Providence which is Omnipotent. Add to this Confideration, there is an acceffional fecurity to the Charitable from the affiftance of others: Man is fociable by infint , and the civil Life that is proper to him, will be diffolv'd without mutual aoiíiance. 'Tis &der'd