Bates - BT766 B3 1699

Spiritltal Perfecorï. a Man's felf, as fngular in Perfeaions, and none fuperiour, or equal, or near to him. A proud Man will take a rife from any advantage to foment Pride Some from the perfeaions of the Body, Beauty or Strength ; force from the eh- oumflance of their Condition, Riches or Honour ; and every one thinks himfelf fufficiently furnifh'd with Underftand- ing : For Reafon being the difinguifh ing excellency of a Man from the Brutes, a defeaivenefs in that is very difgrace- ful, and the title of Fool, themoff Ring- ing reproach ; as is evident by our Sa- viour's gradation Whoever is angry with his Brother without a caul is liable to Judg. anent ; whoever Pays racha, that exprefres his Anger contumelioufly , is fubjec`t to the Council ; but whoever Ball fay fool,: pall bepunifb'd with Hell-fire. Therefore Men are apt to prefume of their intelle- dual Abilities : One Pays, I have not Learning, as thofe who are pale with Study, and whofe Lamps Shine at mid- night, but 1 have a flock of Natural Reafon ; or I have not a quick Appre- henfion, but I have a folid Judgment ; I have nót Eloquence, but I fpeak good Senfe. The high conceit of Mens own worth declares it felf feveral ways Sometimes 'tis tranfparent in the Coun- tenance ; There is a Generation, O hors