Bates - BT766 B3 1699

64 Spiritual I'erf écciiori. envious or enemies that deny it, the a fuming it for unworthy Caues, (where, there is no true Virtue, there is no juft Praife) the terminating it on our felves, and not transferring it to Gód, are the effets öf ä vain-glorióuS Mind. Prided undervalues Goodnefs in it felf, and re- fpeEs it only for the íhadow that at- tends it. Fran is a Mufick fo inchant.: ing, that it inclines Men to believe that to be true which is pleating, and which they delire others Mould believe to be trúe. A Philofopher, when a Box of Ointment of precious Cor pofition waS prefented to him, feeling his Spirits re-' viv'd with its Fragrancy , broke forth with indignation againft thofe Effeminate perfons that perfume their Hair and Ha. bits with it for vicious ends, and made the ufeof it difgraceful, But when praife,' that is fo fweet and powerful a motive to encourage generous Minds to the ex- ploits of Vertue, is beftowed on worth- lefs perfons, 'tis more deteftable. The poifonous flowers of falfe praife are peril ilicious to thofe who are deceiv'd and pleas'dwith them. 'Tis the infelicityof thofe who are in the higheft dignity, to whom 'tis uneafie to defcend into them- felves, and take a fincere ferious view of their internal State, and to whom Truth is hard] and difpleafrng, they are in great danger