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Spiritual Per fealon. danger of being Corrupted by Flatter- ers. Flattery is the familiar figure of thofe who Addrefs to Princes á Some- times by fine Fraud and unfufpeaed Ar- tifice they give the Countenance of Truth to a Lye, in reprefenting them to excel in Wifdom and Vertue. But if Princes be íßo vain-glorious, that mode- rate praife is efteem'd a diminution to their Greatnefs, and only the ftrongeflc perfumes affe& their Senfe, they will re- prefent them as half Deities, as fecond Süns to the World. 'Twas the judicious òbfervationof Ga16a in his Difcourfe with Pilo, whom he defign'd to be his Suc- ceffor in the Empire of Rome. We peak Etiam ego ac to eimplicirmè with fmplieity between our (elves ; but others tnter nos hodie will ratherfpeak withour State thanwith our loquimur; ce- Perfons. In fhort, all that have an emi- ten libentias m tu rent advantage to beftow Favours and neu,trd, For quad na Benefits are liable to be deceived by nobifcum.Taci Flatterers, who are like Concave- Glat1°es, xte. I. I. that reprefent (mall Objeas in an exor- bitant Figure They will teed theHu- rmours of thole upon whom they depend, and fpeak things pleating to them, and profitable to themfelves. 'Tis their fu- rett fecurity to remember, that Flatted tiers have a double Tongue, and fpeak with one to there, and with another of them.