Bates - BT766 B3 1699

68 Spiritual Perféc1ion. phemer !) and I have made it for my fell. Thus Nebuchadnezzar boated, walking in his Palace, Is not this great Babylon, that I have built for the Houfe of my Kingdom, by the might of my Power and the glory of my Majefty ? I have laid the Foundations thereof on the centre of the Earth, and raifed its Towers to the Hia- yens. This Pride is attended with rely- ance and confidence in their own dire- aion to contrive, and ability to accom- piifh their deigns and with affuming the glory of all their fuccefs intirely to themfelves. The proud manage their affairs independently upon the Provi- dence of God, who is the Authorof all our Faculties and the efficacy of them, and totally negleá the two effential parts of Natural Religion, Prayer and Praife ; or very (lightly perform the external part, without thole inward AffeEions that are the Spirit and Life of them. 'Twas the wifè Prayer of Agar, Give me Not Riches, left I be full, and deny thee. God ftrialy cautions his People againft this dange- rous Sin, Beware thou forget not the Lord, and fay in thy Heart, my power and the might ofmy Hand, hub gotten me this Wealth Remember 'tis he that gives the power to get Riches. And 'tis equally dangerous , left Men fhould attribute yilories