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Spiritual Perfec`Wion. 69 ViEories or Proíperity, in any kind, to their own C6unfel and Refolution, their Prudence and Power, without humble and thankful obferving and acknowledg= wing the Divine Providence, the fountain and original of all our Bleffings. (2.) Whatever the kinds of Sin be, when committéd again[t knowledge with defign and deliberation , they proceed from Infolence and Obftinacy. The If- raelites are charged with this aggrava- tion in their finning ; They dealt proudly Nei, 9. i6,i y, andharden'd their necks, and harken'd not to the.Commandments, and refufd to obey, Proud Sinners are introduced boafting ; Our Tongues are our own, who is Lordover uo ? They will endure no reftraints, but are lawlefs and lode , as if they were above fear and danger. 'Tis true, there are few fo prodigioufly wicked as to (peak thus ; but Mens Anions have a language as declarative as their Words And finningprefumptuoufly with a high hand, is conftruaively a denyal, and de- fpifing of the Dominion and Power of the Law-giver ; as if he had no right to command, nor ftrength tovindicate, the Honour of his defpifed Deity. In the laft Judgment the Punifhment of re- bellious Sinners will be according to the Glory of God's Majefty, and the extent of his Power that was contemned and vi- lified by them. F 3 3.When