Spiritual Perfecction. bination with the flubborn Spirits of Hell, and (hall have their portion with them. Zaftly, When Men have a vain pre= fumption of the goodnefs of their fpiri- tual flute, of the degrees of their Good nefs, and their flability in Goodnefs, not fenfible of their continual want of re- newed fupplies from Heaven, they are guilty of fpiritual Pride. Of this there are two Inflances in Scripture ; the one in the Church of lukewarm Laodicea the other in the Pharife, mentioned by our Saviour. The firfl Paid, I am rich, ßeß. and increafed in goods , and have need of nothing ; and knowet not, that thou art wretched, and poor , and mifrable , and blind, and naked. The Pharifie, to raife the efleem of his own Goodnefs, Elands upon comparifon with others , whofe Vices may be a foil to his feeming Graces : He faid, I am not os other Men are, Extortioners, Adulterers, or even its this Publican. 'Tis true, he fuperficially thanks God, but the air of Pride trail- fpires through his Devotion, by valuing himfelf above others worfe than him- felf ; as if his own Vertues were the produEive caufe of his diflinguifhing Goodnefs. if Humility be not mix'd in the exercife of every Grace, 'tis of no value in God's efleem : The humble un- F 4 ¡lift