Spiritual Perfecîlon. 73 This is the effeEt of fpiritual Pride and Delufion. For the mortifying this vicious Difpo< Rion, confider that Pride is in a high, degree injurious and provoking to God. Ahordinary Malefactorbreaks the King's Laws, but a Rebel 'hikes at his Perfon and Crown. The firft and great Com- mandment is to honour God with the highei Effeem and Love, with the moff humble Adoration ; confequently, the greateft Sin is the defpifing his Majefty, and obfcuring his Glory. There is no Sin more clearly oppofite to Reafon and Religion : For the moff ellential duty and charaaer of an underftanding Crea- ture, is dependance and obfervance of God as the firíf caufe and laft end of all things ; receiving with thankfulnefs his Benefits ; and referring them all to his Glory. Pride contradiEts natural Juftice, by intercepting the grateful affectionate afcent of the Soul to God, in celebra- ting his Greatnefs and Goodnefs. A proud Man conftruìively puts himfelf out of the number of God's Creatures, and deferves to be excluded from his tender Providence. The Jealoufie of God, his molt fevere and fenfible Attri- bute, is kindled for this revolture of the Creature from its Duty, and the depri- ving hán of his prof . _ : r _ 'Tis true, God's.