Spiritual Perfecci ort: how odious they are in his fight. The Angels fell by Pride, and are the moff curled creatures of the Creation , and bound with Chains of Darknefs to the Judgment of the Great Day. Adamwas lickof the fame Difeafe, which involv'd him and his Progeny under the Sentence of the firft and fecond Death. How Many great Kings, for the infolent fòr- getfulnefs of their frail Condition, were by Divine Vengeance cafe down from the heighth of their Glory, and made fpeaa- cles of ignominious Mifery. The proud and ftubborn Pharaoh that defy'd the Almighty, and Paid, Who is the Lord, that I fhould obey him, and let Ifrael go? that threatned, 1 will purfue, I will over- take, I will divide the fpoil : Like the rag- ing Sea that roars, and foams, and fwells, threatning to drown the Land, but when 'tis come to its appointed Limits , the weak Sand, as if its Fury were turn'd into Fear, retires into its own Channel ; that proud King was tam'd by Frogs and Flies, and at laff drown'd with his Army in the Red Sea. Senacherib fo high flown with the Conceit of his Irrefiffible Strength, that he Challeng'd Heaven, Who asyour God? that he fhould be able to 'deliveryou out of stay hands? found there was a juf< power above, that in one Night dearoy'd his mighty Army, and after- 75