Bates - BT766 B3 1699

Spiritual Perfec` ion. Saints; and the outward praaice ofGood- nefs, will be produaive of the praife of Goodnefs in others ó This will afford a ítrong temptation of Pride. All the operations of Vertues, even the exercife of Humility, that are the matter and argument of Fraile, may be incentives of Pride ; and thole Difeafes are ex- treamly dangerous, which are nourifh'd by that Food that is necetfary to fupport Life. The old Serpent when he cannot feduce Men by carnal Temptations , which are eafìly difcovered, infpires with fo foft a breath the opinion of their own Vertues, that they are infenfibly tainted. The defire of external Honour and Power beyond what they deferve to be defir'd, and what is due to the Perlons defirous of them, is not eafily difcover- ed : Partly, in that the afpiring after Dignity is in the univerfal content of Men, an argument and indication of a fublime Spirit ; whereas the modeft re- fufal of it , expofes to Infamy , as if the refufer had a Leaden Soul , whole Body is rather its Sepulchre than its In- ftrument : And the Heart is the arch- deceiver, the molt partial parafite, and its natural falfenel's is fomented by the artificial Flatteries of fervile Spirits. Eve- ry Man is a ftranger to himfelf ; as the Eye fees things without, but is blind as tg 79