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___________ #_~~ THE WORKS Of the Late Reverend and Learned William ·Bates, D. D. C 0 N T A I N I N G, I. Difcourfes on the Exiftence of God ; ,.VIII. Spiritual Perjeflion. the Immortality of t!Je Soul; and the IX. Eleven &rmons Oil Jeveral OccaDivinity of the Chriftimz Religion. I fons. 11. The Harmony ofthe Divine Attri-~X. A Sermon "fmn the Death ofQz.eeen bntes. Mary. ,. IlL The great Duty of Refgnation. I XI. A Eimeral Sermon on Dr. Manton. IV. The Danger of Profperity. XII. A Funeral Sermon on Dr. }acomb. V. Sermons of the Fo.rgivenefs of Sins.l XIII. A F_mzeral Sermon on Mr. Baxter : VI. The Sure Trial ofVprightnefs. With lm Life. VII. The Four !aft Things: viz. Death, 1 XIV. A Eimeral Sermon on Mr. Judgment, Heavm, and Hell : (In Clarkfon. which his Book called, The Final I XV. A Funeral Sermon 011 Mr. BenHappmefs ofMdlz, is included.) jaminAfhnr£1:. Towhichareadded, Two Difcourfcs never before Publilhed; V I Z. I. OnDivineMeditatio1z. 11. On the Fear ofGod, &c. Alfo Jome Accomzt of the AVTHOR's Life and Charafler, in afimaal Sermon Preacl/d by the Reverend Mr. Howc. ~~~an Alphiibetical Table to the Whole. , . LONDO~ I Prmted for B. Aylmer, at the Three P1~eons, againft the Royal I Ex{:hange in Cornhill: And J. Robinfon, at the Golden Lion in St. Paul's Church-Yard. M.DCC. _________________________________ _____________ !

To His Mofi: Sacred Ma)efi:y W I L IJ I AM Ill. By the Grace of G 0 D, OF E1zglaJzd, S cotland, France, and Ireland, KING, D efender of the Faith, &c. TH E WORKS OF William Bates, D. D. Are moft Humbly Dedicated, By the AUTH 0 R 's Rdid:, Margaret TJates.

CONSIDERATIONS OF THE Exiftence of G 0 D, AND OF THE Immortality ofthe Soul, WITH The Recompences of the Future State. To which is now added, The Divinity of the Chrill:ian Religion proved by the evidence of Reafon, and Divine Revelation : For the cure of IN "F IDELITY, the Heflick Evil of the Times.

' ,

THE PREFACE. THE ufual Method whereby the Enemy of Mankind trains [o many into his bloody {nares, i6 by enticing the lower Faculties, the Senfes, the Fancy, and Pa.f/ions to prevail upon the Will and Mind, and accordingly hu motives are P!eafore or Pain that affifl w.; from fenfble things. But on the contrary, the ~reat Lover of Souls firfl enlightens the Vnderflanding, to difcover what u the moft ex_cellent Good, what the moft pernicioU6 Evil, and by that difcovery moves the W,ll to purfoe the one, and fly from the other, and fo defcends to work upon the A.Jfeflions and ~enfes, that with readinefl they follow the Dtreflton and Command of the Supmor Powers in Man. Thefe Objefls beingj}iritual and future, and therefore rais'd above the highefl Regions a{ Senfe, are on!J apprehended and become e.ffeflualby the Evidtnce of Faith. As the Spartan in Plutarch, after trying many ways to {et a Carc11.fl upright in a li11ing pofture, and finding that all hi£ endeavours were vain, it WIM [o fodden!J difcompos'd, the Head ./inking into the Bofom, the Hands falling, and all the Parts in diforder, concluded fomething Wtl6 wantin_g within, that u the living Soul, without which the fJ3ody btl6 no flrength to jupport it feif. Thw.; the most convincing Reafons, prefi with the greatefl vehemence of Ajfeflion, all the Powers of the World to come are of no Efficacy upon thofe who have not Faith, the vital Principle of all Heaven!J Operations. We live in an Infidel Age, wherein Wickednefs reiens with Reputation. The thou;5hts of the Mind are difcovered by the current of the Aflions. Were there aJeriow.; belief of the great Judgment, and the tmible Etemi!J that follows, tt were not po.f/ible for Men to .ftn fo fteefy, and go on in a War jo defoerate af?ainst God himfeif. Senfuality and Infidelity art! Elements of a Symboltcal quality, and by an eafie alteration are chang'd into one another. Fle/h!J Lusts darken the Mind, and render it unfit to take a diflinfl view of Thmgs Sublime and Spiritual. They hinder feriom Confideration, ( ejpeciaf!y of what may trouble the Confcience ) by their impetuow.; Diforders. And which i6 the worft e.ffefl, the corrupt Will bribes the Mind to argue for what it dejires. 'Tu the interefl of Carnalifis to put out the eye of Reafonr the prev[jion of t~ings eternal, that they may blind!J follow the Jen[ual Appetite. Thw.; Eptcurus with hu Herd (!M* one of them ft iles that Fraternity) .• E 1k.,ide denied the Immortality of the Soul, confonant!J to hit; declared Frinciple, that 't,"'/:' Po<eum. the Supreme Happmefs of Man corififl,d in the delithts of Senfe. And 'tu as natural that the dubelief of another State hereafter /hould firong!J en- ~ line Men to follow their LicentioiM Plea[ures. If the Soul, according to the zmyious fancy of thofe Infidels defcribed in the Book ofW ifaom, be aJP"frk of Ftre that preferves the vital heat for a little time, and gives Motion to the Members, Vig,or to the Senfes, and Spirits for the Thoughts, but u 'JUench'd B ~ - in

The P R E F A C E. in 'lJeath, and nothing remains but a wretched h,ap of Afoes, what pre-eminence h~M Man above a ? It foUows therefore in the progrefl of their Reafon 'tu equal to indulge their Appetites ~M the Beafts do. If what is Immortal puts on Mortality, the Confequence u natural, Let us eat and drink, for to morrow we mufi die. Now though fopernatural Revelation conjirm'dby Miracles, and the continual Accomplifhment ofProphecies, htM brought Life and I111mortality into that open light, that the Chriftian h~M a fuUer and more certain Evidence of it, than the fpirits of the Heathens everhad; yet becaufe the weight of Authorityu of no force with Libertines, 'tu necelfary to argue ftom common Principles, which they cannot difa'I)Ow. Indeed the Shield of Faith, and the Sword of the Spirit are our Defence in the Holy War; but with the ufe of equal .Arms, Reafons againft Reafons, the Caufe of Religion wiU be vitforioUA. 'Tu the dejign ofthe enfuing Treatife todifcover by the light of Nature invi.fible ObJelfs, v~z. that a Sovewgn Spmt made and governs the fe'!fible World; that there u anlmmortal Soul m Man, andanEternalftateof Happinefl or Mifery expelts htm hereafter. There u juch a necejfary Connezion between thefe Supreme Truths, the Being ofGod, and future Recompences to Men, that the denial ofthe one includes the denial of the other. 'Tu uncertain which ofthe two i~ the ftep, whether Men defCend from the dubelief ofthe future flat e to Atheifm, or from Atheifm to Infidelity in that point. Some ezceUent Perfons have impll?)ed their Talents on thu Subje8, from whom I have received advant~p in compiling the prefent Work. I bave been careful not to build upon falje Arches, but on fobjlantial Proofs, and to perfwade Truth with Truth, tM becomes ajincere CounfeUor, andweU-willer to Souls. And if the fecure Perfon wiU but attentively and impartially co'!fider, he mujl he convinc'd that 'tu the only true Wifdom to believe and prevent, and not venture on the trial of things in that ftate, where there u no other mending of the error, but an everlafting farrow for it. Thofe whofe Hearts are Jo irrecoverably depraved, that no Motives can per[wad, to examine what fo nearly touches themwith calmnefl andJobriety, and their Minds fo fa· taUyftupijied, that no Arguments can awaken, mufi miferably feel what they wilfully doubt of; whom the Light does not convince, the Fire /hall. OF

0 F THE EXISTENCE 0 F G 0 D. cHAP. I. Atheifm is fearful of publick dijcove7. Four Heads of Arguments to prove the Being of G0 D. r. The vijible frame of the World, and the numerous Natures in it, ezaaty modelledfor the good of the whole, prove it to be the work of a moft wife Agent. The World conjider'd in its feveral parts. The Sun in its jituation, moti~n, and effeCts, declare the Providence of the Creator. The dtUrnal mot1on of the Sun from Ea.ft to Weft u very beneficial to Nature. The annual courfe brings admirableadvantage to it. The gradual pa.fling of the fenjible World, from the ezce(s of heat to the extremity of cold, an effeCt of Providence. Thecon. ftant revolutions of D9 and Night, and ofthe Seafons of the Tear, difcovers that a wife Cauje orders them, I N the managing the prefent SubjeCt, I !hall firll: propound fuch d1ings as clearly difcover that a Soveraign Spirit, rich in Goodnefs, moll: wife in Counfel, and powerful in Operation, gave being to the World, and Man in it. This part of my Work may feem needle(s, becaufe there are very few, ifany, declared Atheifls. As Monflers remain . where they are born, in the defert Sands of Africa, not feen, unlefs [ought for ; fo there are fame unnatural Enormities, that confcious how execrable they are, conceal themfelves in fecret, and dare not appear in open view. And ~~t~n~:;'e'f.o~0 }a~te;;; i~f~,~;~n;l:~~5i:n~o fa:~~~ 0~tfo~~~/~~l;;~ ;~ A;;~:~ diction to Nature, Reafon, Confcience, Authorities, there is nofupreaminvifible Power to whom he is accountable. And having thus concluded in the dark, he lofes all reverence of the Divine Laws; and makes himfelfa God, h is carnal vicious appetite the fupream rule, and the fatisfattion ofit his chiefGood. That many in our times, even of the great Pretenders to Wit and Reafon, are guilty of this exrrcam folly, is fadly evident. They live as abfolute Atheifls, only refufe the Title fur fear ofinfamy, or punifhment. !t will therefore not be unfea[onable• to revive the natural Notion of the Deity. Now to el1abJi[h this Truth no Arguments are more convincing than what are level to all underfland ings. And thofe are, I. The viilble frame of the World, and the numerous natures in it, all model I'd by thiS fupream Rule, the good ofthe whole. II. The u(ual and the extraordinary Works ofProvidence towards Men according to the moral quality of their aCtions. Ill. The Evidences that prove the World had a beginning in time. IV. The univerfal fence of the Deity imprell: on the minds of Men. r: The firll: Reafon is clear and intelligible to all: for 'tis the infeparable property of an mtelletlual Agent to propound an End, to judge of the convenience between the Means 5 ~ Chap. r: ~

6 The Exiftence of G O·D. ~ Means and it, and to contrive them in fuch a manner as to accomplifh it. Now if we ~ furvey rhe Uni.verfe, and all the Beings it contains, their Proportion, Dependence and Harmony, it will fully appear that antecedently to its Ex1flence, there was a per!OO: Mind that deGgn'd it, and difpofed the various pacts in that exact order, that one •y;,,.., P•if. ? eauti!ul World is compos'd of them. The* Philofopher conjeCI:ured truly, who bet.•. mg il11pwrackt on the llland ofRhodes, and come to the fhore, fpyingfome Mathematical figures drawn on the Sand, cry'd out with joy, Vifligia hominum video, I fee the Footfleps of Men, and comforted his defpairing Companions, that they were not cafl into a Defert, or place of Savages, but of Men civil and wife, as he difcovered by thofe impreffions of their Minds. And if we obferve the frame of the VVorld, the concatenation of the fuperiour with the middle, and of the middle wicl1 the lower parts, whereby ' tis not an accidemal aggregation of Bodies, but an intire Univerfe; jf we confi.der the jufl: difpoGng them conveniently to their nature and dignity, the inferiour and lefs noble depending on the fuperiour, and that fo many contrary natures with that fidelity and league of mutual love embrace and affift each other, that every one working according to its peculiar quality, ytt all unite their operations for one general end, rheprefervation and benefit of the whole, mufl we not flrongly conclude that 'tis the work of a deGgning and mofl wife Agent ? ------Pulchrum pulcherrimJH' ipfo Mundum mentegerens, jimilique ab imagine formaus. To make this more evident, I willproducefome Jn{(ances. The Sun, of all Celeflial Bodies the mofl excellent in beauty and ufefulnefs, does in its Gtuation, motion, effects, poblifh the glory of a mofl wife Providence. 1, In its Gmation. .The wifefl Providence could not deGgn to place it better wid1 refpeCI: to its Dignity, or with refpeCI: to the Celeflial Bodies, or the benefit of the lower Xovh~~;geF~~ 'tl,J'~:~rw~~~::~~;,t•;hebto~~~i~~f t~';lr ~~;~~~~ L!J7~· in3~h~ri~~~f the Planets, to enlighten themwith his brightnefs, and enkindle them with his fire, and thereby derive to them fuch benign qualities and aB:ivities, tbat make them beneficial to mixt Bodies. 'Tis the Heart of the VVorld, wherein all the vital Spirits are prepared, and ' tis fo conveniently feat<d as to tranfmit to all, even the moO: diflant parts of that vafr Body, by perpetual irrndiations, the mofltemperate various and effectual influences, necelfary for the produB:ion and prefervation of innumerable fpecies of beings in it, If the Sun were rais'd to the Stars, the Earth for want of its quickning heat would Jofe its prolifick venue, and remain a carcafs. The Air would be fill'd with continual oppreffing vapours, the Sea would overflow the Land. If it were as lowas the Moon as dangerous effects would follow, The Ai r would be inflam'd by its exceffive heat: the Sea boyling , the Rivers dryed up, every Mountam a Vtfi~iru or .lEtna ; the whole Earth a barren ma\s of Afhes, a defer t of Arabia, But in th1s due diflance, it purifies the Air, abates the fuperfluity of Waters, temperately warms the Earth, and keeps the Elements in fuch degrees of power, as are requirite for the aB:ivity of mixt bodies depending on them. It cannot be in another place Without the diforder and injury ofuniverfal Nature. Befides, there is a fenGb le proof of a wife DireCI:or in its 11 Motion, from whence fo ~~~mr,mooem many and various EffeB:sproceed. The Diurnal Motion from Eafl to Wefl caufes the h,.; ~~~':d. Day. The Sun is the fir(\: Spring and great Original of Light, and by his prefence dif- ~"·" •he ""'" covers the Beauties of the mofl of viGblc Objecl:s. From hence all the pleafant variety of ~u~~~h~~~~r Colours, to whkh Light is the Soul that gives Vivacity. Without the World would be '"' unh o< the Sepulcher of it felf, nothing but Si lence and Solitude, Horrour and Confi1Gon. The ~~~[;: ~~erhe Light guides our Journ:ys, aw~kens and direCts our lndu~ry, pn:f(.rves mu.tual Conworld, the verfation. And the wn:hdrawmg of the Sun from one Hemifpbere to another IS as bene- ~';';!"[~of,j~ ficial to the World bycauGng Night. For that has peculiar advantages. Its darknd.S mirab!e, nor enlightens us to fee the Stars, and to underfland their adm1rable Order, AfpeCI:s, Influr~e- commerce ences; their Conjun8:io~, Oifrances, Oppofition, from which proceeds their different ~eg1~a.rr~~efs effetl:s in all paffive Bod1es. Now what can be more pleafant than the Ornaments and lo!loo~';"ci"g DiverGties of thefe Twins of time? Befides, by this diflinction of the Day and Night :iCe ~~~~r there js a fit fucceffion ofLabour and Reft, of the Wor~s and Thoughts of Men; thofe ft.:un'd it; proper to the Day,aa:ive and dear; the other to the N1ght, whofe ob[c~arity prevents the wand ring of the Mind through the Senfes, and Silence fitvoms its calm Contemplations. Aud theconflantrevolutioh of Oay and Night in thefpace of twenty four hours, is of great benefit, If 1l1<y fhould cominue fix entire Months together, as under the Poles, , though

The Exiftence of G 0 D. 7 though their fpace would be equal in the c':mpafs of the Year as now, yet with pub- ~ lick d ifad ~a nrage. The !himng of the Sun wtthout mtetm1ffion, would be very hurtful ~ ro the Ear,h, and to JtS Inhabitants. And its long abfence would caufe equal mifchiefs by contrary qualities.. For the :'ature <:f Man and other hvmg Creatures cannot fublil't !ong in travarl, w1thcut repamng thetr decays by refl. Now the fucceffion of Day and Ni ght in that [pace, fitly tempers the.r labour and repofe. After the tmlfom fervice ot' the Day, the Sun renres behind the Earth, and the Night procures a truce from bufi r. efs, unbends the World, and invites toreflinits. deep filenceand tranqurh~y .. And by llecp, when the animal operations ceafe~ the ~pmts that were much confum ~ 111 the fi.:rvice of lhe fenfes, are renewed, aud muted, m ah:iO:anc~ to the vital facult1es; the B~dy isreflored,and at the fprin~ing Day madefrefhand a.lbve for n;w labour. So th~t the wifdom of the Creator ts as v1fible m the manner of th1s d1fpenfauon, as the thmg 1t felf. And 'tis an obfervable point of Providence in ordering the length and fhortnefs of Days and Nights for the good of the feveral parts of the World. Under the EquinoCtial Line the Earth being parch'd by the direCt beams of the Sun, the Nights are regularl y twelve hours through the Year, frefh and moifl to remedy that inconvenience. On rhe contrary, in the Northern parts, where there is a fainter refleCtion of its Beams, the Days are very long, that the Sun may fupply by its continuance, what is defective in its vigour to ripen the Fruits of the Earth. The'annualcourfcof the Sun between the North and South, difcovers alfo the high and admirable Wi{<lom of God. For all the benefits that Nature receives, * depends on >fObliquitaum· his conftant motion through the fame Circle declining and oblique, with refpetr tjus inttOniffr, to the Poles of the World. 'Tis not poffible that ~tore can be done \~ith Iers. From tJ:;:Jlft~ ~i~~ hence proceeds the difference of Climates, the inequahry of Days and N1ghts, the variety of Seafons, the diverfe mixtures of the firfl Qualities, the univerfal Inflruments of natura I ProduCtions. In the Spri11g 'tis in conjun{l:ion with the Pleiades, to caufe fweet fhowers, that are as Milk to nourilh the new-born tender Plants, that hang as the breafls of the Earth. In the Summer 'tis joyn'd with the Dog-Star, to redouble its force, for the produCtion of Fruits nece!fary to the fupport of Jiving Creatures. And Winter, that in appearance is the death of Nature, yet is of admirable ufe for the good of the Univer[e. The Earth is cleanfed, mGi!tened and prepar'd, [o that our hopes of the fucceed ing Year depends on the Frofls and Snows of Winter. If the Sun in its diurnal and annual motion were fo fwift that the Year were cornpleated in fix Months, and the Day and Night in twelve Hours, the fruits of the Earth would want a necelfary fpace to ripen. If on the contrary it were fo flow, as double the time were fpent in its return, the Harvefl but once gathered in the twenty four Months, could not fullice for the nourilhment of living creatures. 'Tis alfo a confiderable effeCt of Providence, that the fenfible World do's not fuddcnly pafs from thebighel'tdegrees of heat to the extremity of cold, nor from this to rhat, but fo gradually that the palfage is not only tolerable, but pleafant. Immediate extreams are very dangerous to Nature. To prevent that inconvenience, the Spri11g interpofes between the Winter and Summer, by its gentleheatdifpofing living bodies for the excefs of S~m111ter. And Auhmn of a Middle quality prepares them for the rigour of Winter; that they may pafs from one to another without violent alteration. To attribute thefe Revolutions, fo jufl and uniform to Chance, is the perfeCtion of Folly: • For Chance, as a caufe that works without deGgn, h'.!s no conflancy nor order in its • , effeCts. .If a Dy be thrown an hundred times, the fall is contingent, and rarely happens , ,:':i;?~ •. to be tWlce together on the fame fquare. Now the Alternate returns of Day and Night ~ «¥• ",;. are perpetual in all the Regions of the Univerfe. And though neither the one nor the ~rik'"""'' other begin nor end their Courfe twice together in the fame Point ; fo that their motion appears confufed; yet 'tisfo jufl, that at the fini!hing of theYear they are fuundtohave taken precifely as many paces the one as the other. In the amiable War bmveen them, th<:ugh one of the two always gets, and the other lofes the hours, yet in the end they ret!fe eqml. and the viciffitudes of Seafons with an inviolable tenor fucceed one another. :Vhoeverfaw the various Scenes of a Theater move by hazard in thofe juflfpaces of tm~e, as to reprefent Palaces or Woods, Rocks and Seas, as the SubjeCt of the All:ors reqmred ? And can the lower World four times in the circle of the Year change appearance, and alter the Seafons fo conveniently to theufe ofNature,and no powerful Mind direct ~ha~ ~r~at Work? Frequent difcoveries of an end orderly purfued, mull be attributed to a JUdiCIOUS Agent. The Pfa~ mil't guided not only by Infpiration but Reafon, declares, The Day ;s thi"e, the Night alfo if thine, thou madeft the Summer and Wir.ter. But this I fhall have occafion to touch on afterward. CHAP.

_s________ T_he_E----'xijl'-.ence of G~O_D_. ______ ~ Chap.o. ~ C. HA P. I I. The Air a fit medium to convey the Light and Influences of the Heavens to the lower World. 'Tu the rep'!Jitory of Vapours that are drawn up by the Sun, and defcend in fruitful Showers. The Winds of great benefit. The feparation of the Sea from the Ldnd the ejfell of great Wt{dom and Power. That the Earth is not an erual Globe, u both plvafont and ujeful. The league of the Elements cotifidered. EzceUent Wifi/om -vijible in Plants and Fruits. 1 he Jhapes of Animals are . anfwerable to their properties. They regularly all to preferve thtmfelves. The Bees, Swallows, Ants direlled by anezceUent mind. THE Expanfio~ _of the Ai.r from theErh~~ial Heavens to the Earth, is another tefl:imony of Dn'me_ ProvJdcnce. Fo: us tranfparen~ and of a fubrile Nature, and thereby a fit medmm to convey L1ghr and Cel efiml In fluences to the lower \.Yorld. It receives the firO: impr~ffions of the Hea vens, and iniinn:uing without rdiftance, conveys them _ro 1he ~1oft d1f1a~t ~bings. By it the. grearrfl: numbers of ufe~ul objeCts, that cannot by nmned 1_are app!Jcat10n to our faculttes be known, are tranrmmed in their images and reprcfc:ntattons : AJI colours and figures to the Eye, founds to the Ear. Tis neceffary for the fubfiflence of Animals that live by refpiration. It mixes with their nour i(hmem, cools the inw:trd heat, an j tempers its violence. Befides, in the Ai r Vapours are attraCI:ed by tl~e Sun, till they afcend to that height to which JtS rcfle:C:bon does not arnve,. and there lolmg the foul of heat that was only borrowed, by degrees r~rurn to then n~1ive coldnefs, and are gathered imo Clouds, which do not break 111 a deluge of Waters that would wafl1 away the feed, but diffolving in to fruitful fhowcrs, £111 in millions of drops to refrefl1 the Earth ; fo that what is taken from it without lofs, is refl:ored with immenfe profit. The Air is the field of the Winds, an invifible generation of Spirits whofe Life confifls in motion. Thefe are of divers qualities and effeCJ:s, for the advantage of the World. Some are turbid, others ferene and chearful) fome warm and refrething, others cold and fharp; fame are pla~id and gentle, others furious and fl:ormy; fame moifr, other dry. They cleanfe and punfie the Air that otherwjfe would corrupt by the fctling of Vapours, and be deflruCJ:ivc to the hves of Animals. They convey the Clouds for the univerfal benefit of the F;atth: For if the Clouds had no motion but direCJ:ly upwards, they mufl only fall on thofe parts from whence they afcended, to the great damage of the Earth. For rnoifl places that fend up plenty of Vapours would be overflowed;_ and the highefl parts, mwhich no other \.Yateisanle, would be unfrunful. Now theWmds are affignedtoall the quarters of the World, and as the Reins are Dack or hard, they guide the Clouds for the advantage of the lower World. The reparation of theSea from the Land, and con.taining ~t wjrhin juO: bounds, is the ~~~~i~r; ~ 1~b~;:rt.W 1~d~il~nf~p~~~:d~e::;va;~bfo~~~t~Fy ~}:J~fsl~ts'~oEJ~ab~~~io~s 0;ag~~~~ fulnefs. 'Tis now the convenient fear of terrefhial Animals, and fupplies their Provifions. And the Sea is fit for Navigation, whereby the mof\ diflant Regions maintain Commerce for their mutual help and comfort. The Rivers difpers'd through the veins of the Earth, preferve its beauty, and make it fruitful, They are always in mmion, to prevent corrupting, ...and to vifit feveral Parts, thatthe labour of cultivating may not ce in vain. And thatthefe Waters may not fail, the innumerable branches fpread throuRh the Earth, at Jafl unite in the main Body of the Sea. What they pour into it, through fecret chanels they derive from it, by a natural perpetual circulation, not to be imitated by Art. In this we have a clear proof of the Wif- . dom and Goodnefs of the Creator. T hat the Earth is not an equal Globe, but fame parts are rais'd into Hills and Mountains, others funk into deep Vallies; fame areimmenfe Plains, alfetls with various delight, and isufeful for excellent ends: Not only for the produCJ:ion ofMinerals, of Marble and Stones requifite for Buildings, but for the thriving of feveral kinds of Grain and Plants that are necelfary for Food or *Medicine: For fame love the Shade, others the Sun; fame flouri!b bef\ on Rocks and Precipices, others in low moifl places; Come deligh t in Hills, others

The Exifteno.e of ·G0 D. 9 others in Plains. Thus by the unequal fur face of the Earth, is cauted a convenient rem- ~ peramre of Air and Soil for its productions.. . . Chap. o; Add further The Wifdom of the Creator ·tS<ltrcovered by obfervmg the League of the ~ Elements from 'whence all mixt Bodies arife. Of how different qualities are Earth, Water, Air fire? Yet all combine together without the dellrull:ion of their Enmity, that is as necell'ary to preferve Nature as their friend!hip. Can there be imagined a greater difcord in the parts of the Elementary World, and a greater concord in the whole ? To reduce them to fuch an .eqrdlibrilfm that all theJr operat10ns promote the fame end, proves that there is a Mind of the highefl Wifdom, that has anabfolute Dominion overall things, and tempers them accordingly. If we come to Plants and Flowers. Who divided their kinds, and form'd them in that beautiful order? Who painted and perfum'd them? How doth the fame Water dye them with various Colours, the Scarlet, the Purple, the Carnation ? What caufes the fweet Odours that breathe from them with an infenfible fubtilty, and diffufe in the Air for our de• light? from whence proceed their different venues? Thefe admirable works of Nature exceed the 11 imitation and comprehenfion of Man. 'T!S clear therefore they proceed from a Caufe that excels him in Wifdom and Power. That forne Plants ofexcellent vertue are full of prickles in their flock and leaves, to protell: them_£rom Beafls that would root them up, or trample on them, an * Ath~tfl acknowledg d to be the effell: of Providence. The fame WifdomprefervestheSeed m the Root under the flower, and prepares the numerous Leaves of Trees~ nor only for a!hadow torefrefh living Creatures, but to fecurc their fruits from the mJunes of the weather. Therefore in the Spring they {hoot forth always befure the Fruits are form'd. And tender delicate Fru its are cover'd with broader and thicker leaves than others of a firmer fubflance. In Winter they call thei r leaves, arenakedanddry, the vital fapretiringtotheroor, asifcarel efs ofdying in the members to preferve life in the heart, that in the returning Spring dilfu[es new hear and fpirits, the cau[e of their flourifhing and fruitfulnefs. The feafon of Fruit is another irrdictZtion of Providence. In S11mmtr we have the cool and moifl: to refrefh our heats, in .Aotrrmn the durable to be preferved when the Earth produces none. If we obferve the lower rank of Animals, their kinds, !hapes, properties, 'tis evident that all are the Copies of a defigning Mind, the elfell:s of a skilful Hand. Soine of them are fierce, others familiar ; fome are fervile, others free; fame <rafty, others fimple, and all fram'd convenimtly to their Natures. How incongruous were it for the Soul of a Lion to dwell in the Body of aSheep, or that ofan Hare to animate the body ofa Cow ? It would require a Volume to defcribe their different !hapes, and fitme[s to their particular natures. Thofe which are fruitful in many births, as Swine and Dogs, are furnifhed with many Teats for the fupply of their nourifhmem; which* TrrUy ob!erves to be the certain effell: of provident Nature.. Befides, creatures meerly fenfitive are aCled fo regula rl y to preferve themfelves and thm kmd, that the reafon of a fupenour Agent 11 fhines in all their aClions. They no fooner come into the World but know their Enemies, and either by Strength or Art fecure themfelves. . They are inllrull:e~ to fwim, to fly, to run, to leap. They underfland thm fit nounfument, and remedtes proper for their difeafes. Who infufed into Birds the art to build their Ne!ls, the * love to cherifh their Y oun• ? How are.the Bees inllrutted to frame their Bony-combs without t hands, and in the da~k ~nd of fuch ~ figme that among all. other of equal compafs and lilling up the fame fpace: IS moll capaciOus ? The confideratton of thetr Art and Indullry, tl1e1t political Government and Providence, and other miraculous qualities, fo afronifh'd fou1e great Wits that • f<..~t id dicdm they attributed fomething Divine* to them. ' T:ftl!mafi;' Ejfe Apibu.r partem divhl£ mentis, & hauftw 1Etherio1 dixerew--- Some there are maintain That Bees deriv'd from a ililellial !lrain, And Heavenly race. i11 tduc.mdis rliflorlinulifq; iisq:ut procrtawrint. lljq; 11J. t11mfinemd11rrl. tDflint fe ip{a dr[Mdcrd Tuf. tR'}i.t'non fl11· peat lwcfiui peffofinemani· hllt!ni/UainWhat moves the Swallows upori the approach of Winter to fiy to a mote temperate Clime, ~';;;;';;;:,: :';: as tf tl1ey underllood.the Celelltal Stgns, the Influences of the Stars, and the Changes of !'m ?;/:;· the. Seafons? . From whence comes 'the fore-fight of lhe Arrts to provide in Summer for 'IJi~ /.:fen~iWmt~r? Thetr oxonomy and fervour, their difcredon in affifting one another, as jf nifi q11.od m'll'iknowmg that eve~y one 1abour~d for ~11, ~nd where th~ benefit is commod the labour muft ~~i;t (J. be ~ommon ; thetr care to forrtfie thet( Receptacles wtth-a bank of Earth, that in great V<•&ll. Rams tt may not be overflowed, have made them the fir Embleins Of prudent diligence. C T his

10 ~ Chap.3. ~ The Exiftence of G 0 D. This is excellently defcribed by VirgU; Acveluti ingentemformic.e farris Acer'tmm, Cum populant, Hyemis memores, teClotpte repoituNt, /t nigrimt c~tmph agmen,pr£damque ;er herbtH CcnvefJtUtt caUe angufto, par~ grandia trud1f.lzt Obnixa frumenta humeris ; pt~u agmina rogunt, Cafligantque moras, Opere omni< fomitafervet; Thus tran!lated by Mr. Godolphin. So when the Winter-fearing.Ants invade Some heaps of Corn the Husbandman had made; The fable Army marches, and with Prey Laden return, pre11ing the LeafY-way; Some help the weaker, and their f110ulderslend ; Others the Order of the March attend, Bring up the Troops, and punifh all delay. How could they propound fuch End, , and devife Means proper to obtain them? 'Tis evident from their con{tantand regular aCcings, that an Underfianding aboveMan's who often fails in his defigns, imprell: their unerring infrintts, and direCts their motions: CHAP. Ill. The Eocry of ~a~ form'~ with perfeCT: deji~n for Beauty and Vfefu!nefs. A/hart Defmptzon of zts parts. The fabrzck of the Eye and Hand admirab!J difcovers the Wijd9m of the Maker. The ereCT: ftature of the Body fitted for the rational Soul. Man by fjeech u fitted for fociety. How the AjfeCi:ioru are difcovered in the Countenance. The difiinCfion of Perfons by the Face how neceffary. The rei!tfonabfeSoul the imageofa wife and valun~ tary figent. I Will now briefly conuder Man, with refpell: to both the parts of his compounded Nature, whereinare veryclearevidencesofawifeMaker. · . The Body is the mo{[ artificial of all perifhing things in the World. 'Tis ju{[ly called the Jlore-houfo ofprbportions. 'Tis equally impofiible to add any thing but what is fuperlluous, or to takeaway anything but what isnecelfary. How many internal parts, divers in their qualities and figures, are di[po[ed with that providence, that all operate according to their proper Natures, and not one can te, I do not fay better;, buttolerably in any other place, as well for its fpecial as the common benefit? All are fo ju{[ly ordered, with tbat tnutual dependence as to their being and operations, that none can be without the whole, nor the whole without it. So that if with attentive Eye we confider this, it might feem 11 o,;, ;, "'- that in making the Body, the defign was only refpeCcing convenience and 1J profit: But if ;:;::fi.f;: 1:;: we .turn our thoughts from that which is wid1in this unparallel'd Piece, and regard the 'l.lerl/m niam vanous forms and fl:rufture of the outward parts, the graceful order that adorns them, 'd v,;P,;um we might imagine that the Maker only defigned its regular vifible beauty. * As Ph<Vori1r;iaro~H ·Ora· mts comparing the Writings of two famoUs Orators, obferved that if one word be taken '\'·" ':!'';;' from a [entence of Plato, you [poil'd the elegance, if from LJfi", the fen[e. So the de'~kgantiamde: taking away the leafi confiderable part from the ;Body, fpoi1s it comlinefs, or ufefulnefs. ~:F~;t,::~ tn"!";;,~dg:~~~~~~~f~~~~ nh;b;~ ;:~,~~cel~~I.n~fr~~u;~e!x~~if,~~Er::~~Jo~~~r J;f::! tA<;n. ~'· try of this Fabrick, challeng'd the Epicttreans, to find but one ofall the numerous parts ~f~:~:~;~ ~~~~0b~k~~:~' ip~~~~~~d~~?t~fo~~~ret!a~;a3t~~o~~er;~~~~~l::d~l~ts !~~~r ~:bra~ ~~rt~ ~. ,'"ji«~ their Opinion, that Chance was the Author of it. In particular he makes an inquiry whe- ;'1; ,".J;:/1-;;,'i therthe Hea rt thatdoesthe office of the Sun in .thatlittleWorld, could be plac'd better ""'l"G;,, d than in the middle oftheBre{[,and evidently proves it could not,with refpell:tothe ufes of ~~~form: e the feveral Faculties, that from it,as the firft Fountain, derive necdfary [upplie~ for their ex~ ercife.

The Exiftence of G 0 D. 11 ercile. Forthisrearon he rays, thatbydefcribing the ufe ofthe pans, he compos'd a~ erne Hymninpraireofthe wifeMaker.. . . . . . ~ \V hat knowledge is requil!te to defcnbe aB that IS wonderf?l m 1t? The contempering the differing humours in jufl: weight and meafure, the mv•olable corr~fpond ence eftablilht between all the parts of the performance of natural, v1tal, and antmal operarions? To touch upon a few things. The Stomach that by an unknown virtue prepares r:· e nouriflum nr, the Heart and Liver, the two Seas of Bl?Od ; . the one more grofs, the other more refin'd and fpjrituous; the Veins and Artenes the1r infeparable companions that diffufe themfelves into innumerable rivolets, and convey the blood and rpirits of Life . the Nerves, the fecret channels) that from the Brain derive the fpirits ofienfe .:lnd motion; rheMufdes t~atgive ir_vario~s motions ; the Adhy parts ?f differe_nt filh- {t.:mce and quality accordmg to rhe1r ~anous Offices_; theMembrans m that dlVerfity, fome finer fome thicker weav'd accordmgto t he quahty of the part they cover; the inward Far r'hat preferves the warm Bowels from drying up; the Marrow wherewith t11e infl:ruments of motion are oiled and made nimble and expedite ; the Bones that fupporl the Buildiug offuch different foyms, proportions, , qualities, and fo fitly joyn'd: Thefe are a full conviCtion that a Divme Mmd contnv d 1t, a D1vme Hard made and fa- !bion'd it. I will more particularly confider the curious fabrick of the E~e and Hand.. The Eye is a work of fuch incomparable A~tl~ce, that '~hoev er, harh a fuffiCtent proof of His Skill that form'd it. ThJS IS moO: evrdent by drlfelbng Jt, and reprefenting the tarts feparatc one from another, and after reumtmg them, and thereby difcovering the Caulesof the whole Compofure, and of the Offices proper to every part. That that may beunderfl:ood without feeing it, is, that there is no member in the whole Body compos'd ofmore parts, nor more different, nor ordered with more exaCt wifdom between themfelves in one frame. Their fituation is fo regular and neceffary, that :if any of them be never ro little dirplac't, the Eye is no more an Eye. It includes three Humours that are tranrparent, and of different thicknefs, the one refembling Water, the other Glafs, the od1er Chryftal, and from them borrow their na~es : To vary the place, the difl:ance, the lefs or greater tlucknefs, the figure tllat tS pe~ltar to each of them, would render the Eye altogether ufelefs for feemg: For the refracbons of the light that enters t hrough the Pupil wr;mld be d1fordered; a~d the rays ~or be united in": Point, to paint in the Retina, the Images of VIilble obJe8:S, wh1ch 1s the lafl: dtfpofitlon from whence the all: of feeing follows. Several Tunicles in~olve it, one of which is perforated (as • much as the little Circle in the middle that is called the Pupil) to give open palfage to the images flowing from their Objects. The Murcles by their agency raife or cafl: down, turn or fix it. The Nerves fafl:en'd to the Brain, convey a fupply of rpirits for the fight and tranfmit the reprerentation of all vil!bie objects without conful!on to the internai fenfes. If we conl!der the Hand by the moO: exact rule of proportion, 'ris evident that its Cubfiance and lbape are moO: conducive to beauty and fervice. If the Fingers were not divided, and feparately moveable, but joyn'd together with one continued skin, how uncomely, how unufeful would it be? Of an hundred effects, ninety would be loft. All that require variety of motion, fubtilty of art, or fl:rength, could not be perform'd. But th<: Fingers being.di:joyned, . 'tis fit to. do whatever the mind del!gns, or neceffity reqrnres. Itworksmtrrely, or m parts; 1tbrandilhes a Sword, or manages a Pen· firikes on the Anvil with a Hammer, or ufesa delicate File; rows in the Water, or t~uches a Lute. 'Tis fit for all things, adapting it felf to the greatefl: and leaft: All which advan- . taRes the * Philofopher exprelfeswith admirable brevit_y, In divijione mamu comprmendi fo- :::,~ ~'f';}"' c~lta< eft, in Com_poftiom dividendi non ejfct. Suppof~ the Fingers. \~ere of equal length and ji"~ ~- 7~u; b1gnefs, great mconvemenceswouldfollow. And m th1sthe D1vme Wifdom is eminent 'vm-1-~,,:,~ that what at firft fight reems to be .of no con[equence, yet is abfolutely necelfary, not only ~;'~~;,Jff, for all the regular, but for moO: works of the Hand. If the Fingers were extended to 1"r"•~,.; thefame meafure, it were .able to do nothing but what the four Jo?gefr can. And how un· ip;:,tsi7'f:(U comely would fuch a figur d Hand appear? When that beauty JS loft, that rprings from .,~, ;.,., varie'f i'_l Befides, ho~ unprofitable a part were. the Hand if the Fingers i..',-:':':.,\'/i. had wrthm onemure bone, not f!exrbleto grafpas occal!on requrres? Or if a f!efhly fub- Hb. 4 • d< '"" ftanceonly,howweakand unapt for fervice? What fl:rength or firmnefs for labour ? Even Anim•l. "P. theNails are not fuperfluous; befides their gracefulnefs, they give force and fenfe to the 10 ' points of the Fingers. If one be loO:, the feeling in that extream part is very much Ief- - fen'd, that is fo necelfaryfor the difcerning of things. To there I lhall add two oth<:r confiderations that difcover perfeCt Wifdom in the framing theHumane Body. C o t . lts

12 The Exiflence of G 0 D. ~ 1. ·Its firutl:ure is very different · from that of Brutes, whereby 'tis a fit infiruChap. 3· ment of the rational Soul. The Brutes being meerly terreOrial Animals, are perpetually ~ groveling and poring downwards, feeking no more than thm food. They have no commerce with the Heavens, but fo far as it !erves them for the Earth, as being only born for their Beliies. But in Man the po!lure of hJS Body, interprets that of his Soul. 11 The fiature is fircigh t and rais'd, exprefii ve of his Dominion over the Creatures made for his ure. TheHead isoverallthe le[s noble parts, and the Eye foplac'd thattheMindmay look out at thofe windows to difcover theWorld in its vadons parrs, to contemplate the Heavens its native Seat, and be infiruCted and excited to admire and love the Divine Maker. 2. If we confid.r Man complexly as joyn'd with fociety, to which he is naturally inclin'd, he is fo form'd as to give or receive ailiO:ance for his prefervation and comfort. The Tongue his p.culiar glory, the interpreter ofthe Thoughts, and reconciler of the Affeilions, nnintains this happy Commerce. Beftdes, the Face makes known our inward motions to others. Love, Hatred, Defire, Dllllke, Joy, Grief, Confidence, Defpa ir, Courage, Cowardice, Admiration, Contempt, Pride, ModeO:y, Cruelty, Cornpaffion, and all the refi ofthe Affetl:ions, are difcover'd by rhrir prop" Arpetl:s. By a fudden change of the CQlmtenance are mani feOed the deepefi Sorrow, d1e highefi Joy. As the face of the Heavens vail'd with Clouds, by the breaking forth of the Sun is prefently clear'd up. And (which is above the imitation of Art) dHfercn t a.tfe<lions are reprefen.. ted in a more or lefs expreffive appearance accordmg to the1r ftronger or remilfer degrees. Ttmanthe.r tbe famous Painter, wjfely drew a vait over Agamemnou's Face, prefent at the facrifice of his innocent Daughter ; defpairing to exprefs and accord his feveral Paflions, the tendernefs of a Father, with the Majefiy of a King, and the generofity of the Leader of an Army. This way of difcovery has a more univerfal ufe than words. The mini!lry of the Tongue is only ufeful to tho[e that underfiand our Language, but the Face, though !ilent, fp,aks to the Eye. The Countenance is a Cryfial wherein the Thoughts and Affetl:ions, o; lmwife invifible, appear, and is a natural fign known to all. For this manner of exprellion is not by the common agreement of Men ·asSigns ab[olutely free or mixt, but from the inrtitution of Nature, that always chufes what is mofi proper to its eud, gu ided by a fuperiour Diretl:or according to the rules of perfelt Wifdom. · ·Moreover, the innumerable different chara&er in the Faces of Men to difcern every one, is the counfel of mofi wife Providence, for the univerfitl benefit of the World. For take away tbisdifiinltion, and all the bands of Laws, of Commerce, of Friendihip are dilfolv'd. If we could not by fingular infeparable lineaments difiinguiih the innocent from the guilty, a Brother from a Stranger, the worthy from the unworthy, all truth in Judgments, fincerity in Relations, difii ntl:ion of Merits, fecurity in Trade would be defiroyed. In ihort, humane focieties cannot be preferved without union and di(linaion ; the one preventsdivifion, the other confufion. Union is maintain'd by fpeech and other figns of the inward difpofitions of the Heart; di!linfuon is caus'd by the variety ofcountenances. And 'tis confiderablc that fo few parts compofing it, and in fo fmall a compafs, and always in the fame fituat ion, yet there is fuch a diverfity of Figures as of Faces 11- Interc~tertt in the Wor.ld. * Seneca propounds this as a fpedacle worthy of admiration, though pro~trr ~~~~ ~i- the Stoical•pride, falfely eO:eem'd greatnefsof mind, would fcarce admireMiracles. 'tt~fiJ,~;~~ ·- And as the frame ofMan's Body, fo much more the rational Soul, . his eminent pre- •m<JI,''"" ' rogative above all fenfiblebeings, difcovers the Deity. ThefuperiourFaculties, the Un- ''':ft"ijl>mo, dorfianding and Will, whereby he makes a Judgment and Choice ofthingsinorder to his ~~it/;;:;~a happinefs. declare it to be the living Image and Glory of a moft Wife and voluntary , ~'il'""":J Agent. The admirable compofition of two things fo difproportion'd, a fpiritual and ~f;::;;~}Jni- material fubftance in the humane nature, is an argument of his omnipotent skill, who ll4 vulentl{r.. united them in a·manner inconceiv~able to us. But the Nature, Qualities, and Opera- '.'f:u"A'j;.' tionsof the Soul, {hall be more difiintl:ly con!ider;d afterwards. And by t~is ihort ac- . count of fome parts of the World, we may fullicrently d1fcover th.,. perfetl:ions of the Maker. We mufi pluck out our Eyes, and extinguiih common fenfe, not to fee infinite Wifdom, Power and Goodnefs ihining ia them, the proper marks.of theDeity. CHAP.

The Exiftence of G 0 D. CHAP. IV. The vani0' of Epicurus's Opinion of .the Worlds original difcover'd, from the vijible order in aU the parts of It. Chance produces no regular ejfefJs. The conftant natural courfe of things in the World proves that 'tu not fram~d nor condu8ed by uncertain Chance. The World WIZ6 not caufe.d by the necef!i0' of Nature. In the fearch of C~u[es the ~ind 'cannot refl tiU it comes to the ji.rft. Second Caufes are fofta.m d and. d~re.Bed m aU their workings by thejirft. The Creator, though mvijible m hu Ej/ence, u llijible in hu Effe8s. BEfore I proceed to the other Head of Arguments, I will briefly !bow the vanity ofthofe Opinions that attnbute the produll:ion of the World to Chance, or to the foie neceili• ty ofNarure. 'Twas the extravagant fancy ?f Democritu!',. and Epicur111 after him, _that the original of theWorld was from the fornutous encoumnng of Aroms, that were m perpetual motion ]n an immenfe fpace, ti11 at Jafr a fufficieot number met in fuch a conjunC[ion as form'd it in this order. 'Tis fl:rangeto amazement, how fo wild an Opinion, never to be reconcil ed with Reafon, could find entertainment. Yet he left a numerous School, many followers tenacious of his Dol.l:rine, the heirs of his Frenzy. 'Tis very ealie to !hew the vanity of this conceir, that fuppofes all, and proves nothing. That thefe particles of matter ibould thus meet together, 'tis necelfary they move : r---A-r'l Chap. 4· ~ Now from whence ~s the ~rinciple of their motion, from an interpal form, or an external ir~7~: 'a~o"'fo~ Agent? If they will be mge~uous an~ !peak true, theymuft a~fwer ~h?s, from whence ''""'"'•""'n! foever they have it, they have tt: For tf they dtd not move, the1r Opm10n cannot pro- qtu. materia fit ceed a [tep further. But fuppoGng th~ir motion to be natural, what powerful ~au~e made !ffi~~~~::dt~ them reil? How are they fo firmly umted? Have they Hooks that fallen, or BJtdhme, or "m 'l'.••i,fil Pitch, or any G_lutin~ms ~atter, tha~ by touching they _cleave fo fafr together? They '!'f:e;tr:n:ff:: mufr grant fomethmg llke th1s, other~1fe they cannot umte and compound, and then the ria diffrrummi !f~~~~~ ~ft!~;0~e~~J;~~~~~~e:~~1~~~~, y~~~~~;~::a~et~~~~~~r~o~r~:~d fd~a~~ ~T':!/~:t mafs of Sand, in which the feveral grains touch witbeut firm union. So that 'ris very rldlt.. Tu!. de .vident whether we fuppofe Motion or Reil to be originally in the Nature of Matter, fio.lib••• there muft be a powerful Efficient to caufe the contrary. Belides, by what art did fo many meet and no more, and of fuch a figure and no other, and in that 11 jull order as to IISif•?f"'"'' form the World, a work fo cxafr that by the mofl: exqullite skill it cannot be made better? dif:J;; t:ffinr Add further; how could thefe minute Bodies without fenfe, by motion produce it? This ' ' ' ' "" pot,ft is to affert that a Caure may atl: above the degree of its power. ~~~'t;;;;~~I}- Can we then rational ly conceive that aconfufed rout ofAtoms ofdiversNatures,and fame nifiratio; Lad:, fo difl:ant from others, ibould meet in fuch a fortunate manner, as to form an intire World, fo vaft in the bignefs, fo diftinl.l: in the order, fo united in the great diverlities of natures, fo regular in the variety of changes, fo beautiful in the whole compofure, d10ugh it were granted, that they did move, and that one of their poffible conjunctions in forne part ofEternity were that we fee at prefent? Could fuch allril.t confederacy ofthe parts ofthe Univetl:e refult from an accidental agreement ofcontrary principles ? Tis fo evident by the univerful experience ofMen, that regular Effel.l:s are caufed by the skill ofa deligning Agent, that works for an end, that upon the light ofany fuch effel.ts, there is not the leall {b.,. of a fufpicion in the mind, that it proceeded from blind and counfellefs Chance. If we ibould hear one make a plea fat a Caufe, with fuch powerful Reafons and Eloquence as are moll proper to convince and perfwade his Judges to decide it for him, can we doubt whetheu be nnderftands what be fpeaks, or caufually moves the organs of fpeech? And yetJ[ hedJdmavethembyChance, one of thecafual mouonsequally poffible with any other, would be that he perform' d: at prefent. If a thoufand brafs Whee.Js were. thrown on a heap, would fix or eight meet fo fitly, as by their conjunl.l:ion to organize a Clock, that ibould dillinguilh the hours? Or, is a skilfuL Hand requilite to joyn them, and direl.l: thm motion? And did the Planets, thofe vaft bodies,byChance' afcend to the upper part ot the Werld, andjeyuin that order astQmeafure.the time e:tal.lly for fo many .Pall: A~h;

The Exiftmce of G 0 D. ~ Who ever faw a Dead Statue form'd in the veins ofMarble, o; a well proportion'd Palacer ~ ;~~p~~ ~o£.%:o~ ~l~:~~n;,en~~dn:n fl~;~hi~;~e ;:,u~,~~: ~·~J,e~~ S~~:S r:,;rt~~u:nd Stones are more difpos'd to make a Statue, or a Building, that are the materiaJs of them and only require skill and workman!hip to give them fOrm, tljan Atoms mixt together ar~ to make the World. Indeed * Pliny faintly tells a flory of a fabulous Ring of Pyrrhus in. whkh an A!lat was fer, diflinltlf reprefenting not by Art, but pure hazard, Apoll; ' W1th h1s Harp m the m1d!l of the nme Mufes. The firfl Reporter was defeCtive, that he did not oblige us to believe, that the found of his Harp was heard in confort ~ith the Mufes. It wouldhavebeen • wondrous fine Miracle, and the beliefas ealie that a Stone mightbea Mufician,asa Painter. Now if the etfe/h of Art are not without an Artificer, can the immenfe Fabrick of the World be other than the work ofa mofl perfeCt underflanding? Who fixt the Foundations of the Earth ? Who laid the beautiful Pavement we tread on ? Who divided and adorn'd the Chambers of the Spheres? Who open'd the Windows to the light in the Eafl? Who encompafs'd it with the immeofe Vault of the flarry Heaven hanging in the Air, and fupporringit felf? Could Artlefs Ch•nce build it/ No Man, unJers totally deferred of ReaCon, can poflibly have fuch a fancy. Let Rea[on judge how could the World be orher- ;r;~~ i~:ab;r~~r~~J~i~J~~taa~·~u~i:kd~~!e%~~ ~~r~;n~~c~:i~l~u~;:. diW'~~ ~~~i~?J~ m if\: obfcrves concerning the Heavens, is equa1ly true ofall the ot~er pans of Nature, Tlitir ~~~a~i~0;heeo;:~~~~~fif{;et~ne~a~:tR{J~:idi~i~~(~'bet\::e~h~~l~~h=r~t~!~f~t~~~~~ the felicity of Invention appears, and things rude not done by rules in the works of the 11 si tfl aliquid Hands, and can it not difcover the rnanifefl: prints of Wifdom in the order of the Uniinrerum na- vcrfe? 11 How much more skill is evident in the frame of the World that in all the effeCts of ~~',:lnZU::en.r, humane Art, fo !lmch the lefsfolly would it be to attribute the mail: curious works ofArt; ~~?dr~tio, q11od than the produCbon of the ~orld to Chance. ftis qh~;~~e- Add further; The. ~1l:abl1fht .order of the parts O\ the V\'or1d.isan a~gument that ex- <Jfi<m"""f. eludes all doubt, that usgovernd and was at firflframd byunerrmg W1fdom. For, if fit, efl_:JI~~ 4 they were united by Chance, would they centinue in the fame manner one day? Is it not 'effi!~th~mln/ moft li kely that one of rhe innumerable poffible combinations fhould fuccced, different me!il~- I~an- fromthe fametenorofthingsthatisbut one? Efpccially if we confider d:at the partsof ~xfri; ~;,: the ~ World .are never at reft : The Heavens, the Elements, mixt Bodies ~re in pcrD<""'. pctual motion. If Chance rul'd, is it within the confines of probability, that rue Sun that runs ten or twelve thoufand Leagues every day, !hould be now in the fame part of the Heavens, wlJere it was in former years in fuch a day, when there are fo many other places wherein by Chance it might wander? Would the Stars keep a perpetual courfe regularly in fuch appearing irregularities? Nee q1ticquam e{t tanta magk mirabile t~~Q!e, /ib.tam ratio, & certif q1tod legibiH omnia parent ; Nufquam tnrba nocet, nihil iUif partib;u err at. Manil. lib. t Aflrom. Or would the fowing of Seed in the Earth certainly produce fuch a determinate fort of Grain? For the other pofiible mixtures are fo vaflly numerous, that it would be ten rhoufand to one but fame other thing !hould fpring up than what does. According to his Hypothejis, it would be greater folly to Believe that the natural courfe of things !hould be the fame this Year as in former times, than to affert that a Gamefler !hould to day throw the Dice in the fame order, and with the fame poinrsupperrnoflashedid yeflerday. 'Tis evident therefore that the Epicurean DoCtrine having not the leall !hadowof Rcafon, had never been receiv'd with applaufe but as 'tis joyn'd with impiety. 2 , Some attribute t!1e rifeandcourfeofthings in the World tothefole neceflity of Nature. To this it may be replied. 1. 'Tis true there is an evident connexion of Caufes and EffeCts in the Celeilial and Elementary World, whereby times and feafons are continued, and tlle fuccellion of mutable things is preferv'd, fo that Nature always confuming, remains entire. Though all vegetative and fenfitive B' ings dye, yet the Species are immortal. For the Living are brought forth to fucceed in the place of the Dead. But the inquiring Mind cannot refl here: For 'tis impoflible to conceive a train of effeCts, one caufed by another, without afcending to the firfl Efficient that is not an EffeCt. For nothing can aCt before it exifis. The order of Caufes requires that we a(cend to the fupream, which derives Being and ,Vertne