Bates - HP BX5200 B3 1700

The P R E FA C E. .Spirits. The Eternal Word alone was able to perjdf all things by once ]peaking. Human Words are but an Eccho that anf<u:ers the Voice qf God, and ·cannot fully expre[s its Power, nor pajs Jo immediately through the Senfe to the Heart, but they muff be repeated. May thife Difcourfes be efJeEfual to inflame us with. the mofi ardent L()ve to our Saviour, who ran[om'd us with the unvaluable Price rf his own Blood ; and to perjwade us to li~·e for Heaven, the Purchafe rf that Sacred Treqfure, I jhall f or e·ver acknowledge the Divine Grace, and obtain my utmqfi Aim. CHAP. I.