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102 The Harmony of the Divine Attributes ~The one might be covered with leaves, the other nothing could conceal. To fee a Face of Chap. 2 · exquifite Beauty devoured by a Cancer, How cloth it move compallion ' But were the ~ Natural Eye heightned, to that clearnefs and perfpicacity, as to difcover the deformity which Sm hath brought upon the Soul, How would it llrike us with gnet; horror and averfanon? 2. He was deprived of his Dominion and Liberty: The Underllanding was fo wounded by the violence of the Fall, that not only its light is much impaired, but irs Power is fo weakned, as to the lower faculties, that thofe, which according to the order of Na~ ture, lhould obey, have call off its jull Authority, and ufurp the Government. The Will hath loll its true Freedom, whereby 'twas enlarg'd to the extent and amplit11de of the Dtvine VVill, in loving whatfoever was pleafing to God, and is contraEled to mean and bafe ObjeEls. What a furious diforder is in the AffeElions? The reflramt of Reafan to chedt their violent courfe, provokes them to fwell higher, and to be more impetuous ; and the more they are gratified, the more infolent and outragious ~hey grow. . The Senjis, whofe office is to be Intelligencers of the Soul, to make difcovcry, and to give a naked report, without diflurbing the higher Faculties, they fometimes mil!ake difguited enemies for friends; and fornctirncs by a falfe ALarm move the lower Appetites , and ~ll.the. Soul wi~h diford~r anC. ~onfufion, that the voice of Reafon can' heard. By the ~rrttatton of Gnef, the mfinuatton of Pleafure, or fame othet· perturbAtton, the Soul is captivated and wounded through the Scnfes. In fbort, when Man turned Rebel to God, he became a fla;'e to all the Creatures. By the1r pnmtttve Infbtuuon they were appointed to be Jitbfervtent to the Glory of God, and the ufe of Man, to be' Motives of Love and Obedience to the Creator : but Sin hath corru.pted and changed them into fo many infiruments of vice, they are made fubj eEf to -z:amty, Rom. 8. 20. And Man is fo far funk into the dregs of Servitude, that he is fubjeEl to them. For by fm·faking God, the Supreme Obje[f of love, with as much Injuflice a~ Folly, and chufing the Creature in his fiead, he becomes a Servant to the mcaneft thmg upon which he places an Inordinate AfleElion. Briefly, Man, who by his Creation was the Son of God, is made a {]ave to Satan that damned Spirit and moll: cm-fed creature. Deplorable Degrad41ion! and worthy of the deepell: fhame and farrow. 2. Man lo!l his Felicity. Befides the trouble that Sin hath in its own nature, which I have toucht on before, there is a conjequent guilt and torment attends it. Adam whil!t obedient enjoyed peace with God, a fweet fereni~y of mind, a divine calm in the Con~ fcience, and full fatisfaElion in himfe]f, But after his Sin, he trembled at God's Voice, and was tormented at his Prefence. 1 heard thy voice., and JVtU afraid, t3.ith guilty Adam., Gen. 3· to. He lookt on God as angry, and arm'd agamft him, re~dy to execute the fevere Sentence. Confcience began an early Hell within him: Paradife with all itS Plcafurcs could not fecure him from that ll:ing in his Breafl, and that fharpen'd by the hand ofGod. What confufion of Thoughts, what a combat ofPaflions was be in? When the Temptaii<:m w_hich deceived him vaniil1t, and his Spirit reco.vere~ out of the furpnf~, and took a clear view of- his Guilt in its true horror, what imhgnanon did it kindle in his Breafi? H.ow did Shame, Sorrow. Revenge, Defpair, thofe fecret Executioners, torment his Spirit? The intelligent Ni:l.ture, his peculiar excellency above the Bmtes, arm'd Mifery againfi: him, and put a keener edge to it: 1. By refleEling upon the foolifh exchange he made of God himfelf for the Fruil of a Tree; That fo !lender a Temptation ll1ould cheat him of his Bleffednefs. His prefent mifery is ag~ravated by the fad comparifon. of it with his Primttt"!e Felicity. Nothing rcma1ns of h1s.firjl Innocence, but the vexar:ous regret ?f haying loft 1t. 2. By the forefight of the Death he deferved. The confCience of hiS Cnmcs rackt his Soul with the certain and fearful expc£\at>on of Judgment. Befides the inward torment of his Mind, he was expos'd to all miferies from without. Sin having made a breach into the World., the whole Army of E~ils cnter'd with it; the Curfe extends it felf to the whole Creat!OA. For the World bemg made for Man, the place of his refidence, in his punifl1meilt it bath felt theeffe8s ofGod's difplcafure. The whole courfe of Nature is fet on fire. \Vherea~ a general Peac~ amicable .Cor.refPondence \-vas eftablifht between Heaven and Earth, whilft all were united in fubjcfbon ro the Creator: Sin that brol(e the ftrjl Union between God .and M~n, hath ruin'd the ffcond. As in a State when one part of the Subjtffs fall from the1r Obedience, the reil: wh1ch arc conlla.nt in th.eir Dmy,brea.k with the Rebels, and make \Var up?n them till rhc ·.. rerurri to the1r Allegtance : So umverfal ~ature was arm'd againH: rebell iOUS Man, a;ld had delh'oyed him without the merciful Interpofition <>f God. ?-he Angels \~ith flaming Swords cxpcll'd h1m from Paradfe. The Bcafh who were all mooccnc, wlulft Man remained innocent, efpoufe God's intcrcfl) and arc n:ady w t·cvcngc