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-----------~------------- in Contri·ving lVfan's Redemption. 123 convey to us all the Bleflings we arc capable to enjoy. Jn all his Glory he romembors ~ that he is our Saviour. At the Day of 1udgment ( Tit. 2. 'l· ) when he Omll come Chap. S· with a Train of mighty Angels, he w i ~l be as tender of Man, as when he Suf1cr'd on ~ rhe Crofs. A_nd from hence we may d~[covcr the Excellency of ~ad's contri~a_ncc in unicing the Dtvine and Human Nature 111 o:u· Redeemer, rhat he ITIJght have Ab1!tty and .A./feCiion to qualify him for that great and blelled Work. Thirdly. The Divine Wifdom app~ars in the defigna~ion 0~ tl~c Perfon. ~or God re. folving to favc Man in a ·way that IS l~onourablc tO hts Ju~Jc~, 1t was expedJcnt a ~erfan in the Bleffed Trinity 01ould be put mto a State of Subjcaron, to endure the Pumlhmenc due to Sin; but it was not convenient the Father ll1ould: for, 1. He muft then have been fent into the World, which is incongruous to the Relations that are between there glorious Pedons. For as they fubflfl in a certain Order, fo their Operations are according to the manner of their Subfil1cnce. Th~ fa ther is fi·om himfelf, and the {irff Mations in all things arc afcrib'd to him; the So_n IS fro~ the Father, and all his ac1tJi1J take their rife from him. J"'h_e Son can do no:hzn_g ofhtm(e!f, b!lt tVbat he {ieth the Father Jo, Job. S• •?· The effcCimg our Redem;tton IS rcferr'd tO the Fathers Will as theSunrcm.e Caufe :Our Saviour, upon hisentrancewto the \Vorld, to undertake that Vlork; declares,J come to do zby Will, 0 God, Heb.Jo. ?· _Upon this account the Apoltie add•·elfcs hiS Thanks to the Father as the firlt _Agent rn our Salvation, Col. 1, J z. ~vhich 1s n~t to i7iTen the_ Glory of thc.Son ~nd Spmr, but to figmfy, that in the Accomphlhment of it, therr Workmg follows thcn·llcmg. 2 • It ·was not fit that the FatherJbould be l n_carnate, for he muil then have fuflained the part of a Criminal, and appear' cl m that Quahty before the Supreme Judge: But this was not confonant tO the Order among the Perfons. For although they are of equa l ~~~~~~g;ic'fo 0b~ ~h~' J'~~r~::a~7e;h~ ~~,,{':~l~;~~tsa~1 ~~~~~ 1~ob~~;~sS~~~ faction JOr Offences, and to receive lnterceffions for the Pardon oft he Penitent. 3· Neither· was it fit thatthc Third Perfon 01ould undertake that Work. For bcGdesthe Sacrifice for Propzttatton, 1t wa~ necefl'ary thcDtvmc Powar: Ihould be exerted, to enlighten the Minds, and incline the W rlls of Men to receive the Redeemer, that the Benefits of his Death might be appiyed to them ( '· ) Now the Redeemer is confJder'd as the Objttl, and the Holy Sprm as .the Drfpofer of the Faculty to receive it. And in thena- ( " ) vu. tttral Order of thmgs, >he ObjeCI muO: exrO: before theOpcratronof theFacultyuponit.A~yr. d' There mu it be light before the Eye can fee. So in the difPojitJM of the Caufes ofour Sal- Trm· vation, ~he Redeemer muft be or.dam'd, and Salvatzon purchafe~, before the D ivine Power IS put forth toenable the Soul to receive it; and accordmg ly 'tis the Office of the Spirit, who is the l'on>er of God, Luk. •·lS· and by whom the Father and the Son execute all things, to render ejfeCfttal the Redemption procmed by the Son. BrieAy, the Mi/lion of the Pcrfons is according to their Principle. lhe Father fends the Son to require Salvation for us, 'John l: •7,· the Son fends the Spirit to apply it, 'John 16. 7· Thus there IS no drfturbmg oftherr ~acred Order; more. partrculariy m appmntmg the Son to affumc the Human Nature, and to reflore lapjed Man, the Wifdom of (iod is evident: For, by that, .•. The Properties of the Sacred Per!Ons are prcferv'd entire: the fame Title is appropnatcd to both ~atures m our lV!edtator. . Hts State on Earth corrcfponds with his State lll Heaven. He IS the only Son from Eterntty, and the jirff born in rime: and the Hon?ur due to. the Eternal and ·Divine, and to the Temporal but Supernatural Sonfhip, is attnbuted tO Hun. 2. To uni te the glorious Titles of Creator and Redeemer in the fame Perfon. The Father made the World by the Son, Heb: 1. 2. By this Title he had an original Propriety mM~n, which c~uid _nor ~e exnngu1fh'd : Thoush we had forfeited our Right in him, !'e drd not lofe hiS Rrght rn us. Our Contra~ With Satan could not mdlify it. Now twas C?nfo.nam that the S011, fbou19 be employ d to recover h15 own, that the Creator in the Begwnmg 01ould be the Redeemer m the fulnefs of time. l· WJ10 could more fitly. reflore us to Favour, and the Right of Children, than the only bego~teN and ""':!beloved Son,_ who 1s thefingular and everlafting Obj"1ofhis Father's dehght? Our relatton to God IS an tmttat1on and expreffion of ChnH's. He is a Son by N~atur.e, a Servant by Conctcfc~nfi?n, we arc. Servants by Nattfre, and Sons by Grace and Favou~, Eph. J, ;. Our Adoptton mto the Lme of Hca,•en is by the purchaie ofhis .Blood . ~he E~erna l Son took jlejb, and was made tmder the L~tv, that w.: might receive the Adoptton of S~ns, ~Gm. 8. 29. Who was more _fit to rcpatr the Ima[;c of God in Man, and beau_ufy IHs Nature, that was defiled With S!n, than the: Son who is the ex. prefs Image of/m Fathers Perfon, Heb. r. l· and Brightncfs and Bcamy ;de!f? Who <:an better the Dwm~ Counfels to us, than the Eterru.l Word? Rz 4.The