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124- The Harmony af the Divine Attributes ~ 4· The Wifdom ofGod appears in making the Remedy to have a proportion to the Chap. S· Caufe of our Ruin ; that as we fell in Adam our Reprefentative, ( 1 Cor. 15. 22.) fo we ~ are raifed by Chnli, the Head of our Recovery. The Apo(ile makes the companfon between the jirft andfecond Adam; Rom. S· r8, rg. Therefore as bJ the Offence of one, 'Jtidgment came upon all ~o Co.ndemnati~n, even Jo by the Righteorljmfs of one, :he free Gift cam~ "fO!J a(l Men to tlie 1uftificatwn of ~ife. For .M by one Man's Difobedience matry were made Stnners; c d) !Em"· Jo fry the Obedience of one many fhall be made Righteotu (d). They are confidcr"d as Caufes of l.t r~ri~r.t .n- contrary E.f[ec1s.. The Ejferh are Sin and Righteoufnefs, Condemnation and ]ufbfication. ' ~~~:~v~e;~~1• As the D~iobcd!e~ce of the fidt Adam is meritorioufly imputed to all his Natural Po!lerity, and bnngs Death upon all ; fo the Righteoufnefs of the fecond is meritoriouOy imputod to all his Sprritual Progeny, to obtain Life for them. The Carnal Adam having Jo(i Original Righteoufnefs, denves a corrupt Nature to all that defcend from him. And the Spintual having by his Obedience purchafed Divme Grace for us, (that being the price Withour which fo rich a Treafure as Holinefs could not be obtain'd ) conveys a vital Efficacy to renew his People. The fame Spirit of Holinefs which anointed our Redeemer, does quick· en all his Race, that as th'J ha-ve born the Image eJ the E.rthiJ, thel mq bear the Image of tbe Hea-venly Adam' 1 Cor. 1 5· 49· plid;'d~~~~a~iy;~'b~t~~~~~li~~\~~e~ft~~eSo:·~f~od.he~~Y,~~rh~~1~~t~~~r~~~~~o~~ (e ) Vmcm- Sin of A~gels and Man (e) . Pride is the Poifon of every Sin, fqr in every one the Creature E:~::YfEi. ~:h~~~~r, ~~~~Jei,:~~ r:~n~s ~i~.~~~~;o:~ :n°;,~~do~~~~~t~~~~;~ti~;eth~sf~d~~~;il'b; '"''"'· ltke the Moft Hrsh , and Man mfecred wrth Jus breath, (yott fba/1 be /eke God ) became fick of the fame D1feafe. Now C.hnll that by the quality of the Remedy he might cure our Difcafein its (ource and ca~lje, applied to our Pride an unfpealtable Humility. te r~r~~a~.l~~i~~s ~~~~:for~~}Jo~~~:Z;2a~~:~f:gi~0 ~:i:a~a;~~t~~~~;i:;,ct;l~~- ~~ 6. without·Sacriledge or Ufurpation, he emptied himfelf · ·y alfuming Jhe Human Nature in its Servile State. The Word rva< made Flejb, John I. 1 ' · the meaneil part is fpecified, to lignify the greatnefs of his Abafement . There is fuch an infinite diliance between God and Flelh, that the Condefcenfion is as admirable as the Contrivance. So great was the Malignity ofour Pride, for the cure of which fuch a protound Humility was requifire. By this he de!lroyed the fir(i wor~ of the Devil; I John 3- d. 6. The Wifdom ofGod appears in ordaining fuch contemptible, and in appearance, O[>- pofite means, to accomplilh fuch glvrious EffeCls. The Way is .s wonderful as the Work. That Chrili by dying on the Crofs, a reputed Malelacror, lhould be made our Eternal Righteoufnefs; that defcending to the Grave, He !hould bring up the loli World to Life and Immortality, is fo incredible to our narrow Underftandings, that He faves us, and a- ~b:?o~rri:O;,~rt~:·anfZZ h~aS~~~ ::;~ ':~~,v~l>);;;;,:ae;:;:,;o;f;t~;[,~~dt[.~ ;~!8. 'TIS a Secret in Phyjick to compouhd the moli noble Remedtes of thmgs delirucrrve to Nature, and thereby make one Death vtClorious over another: But that Eternal Life fhould fpringfrom Death, Glory from Ignominy, Bleffednefs from a Curfe, is fo repugnant to Human Senfe, that to render the Behef of it eafy, it was foretold by many Prophecies, that when it came topafs,it might be look'd on as theelfecr ofGod's Eternal Counfel. The Apofile tells ~s, I Cor. 1. 2~· that Ch~ijl crucified w..u to the 1e1vs a ftumbbng-block, and to th~ Gemilesjoolifhnefi. The grand Sophtes of the World elieemed it abfurd and unreafonable to believe, that He who was expofed to Suffenngs, cou'd fave others: But thofe who are cal1ed, difcover that the Docrrine of Salvation, by the ( rofs of Chrili, which the World counted Folly,( ver.24.) isthegreat Wtji!om of God, and moft convenient for lus end. A double reafon is given of this Method. z. Becaufe the Heat ben World did not find and own God in the way of Nature. For djter thar, in tbe Wijilom of God, the World bJ Wtjiiom knerv not God, it pler.fed God b1 the {:Ji~~~ ~f~~~~i~f' t:f.t~et:l~e~a~~tote~l7ee~:.J;?; g:~~~~o rreh~~~:~~;.:i~:;~~l~\~ vine Wi(dom is fo dearly difcovered there, as if it had taken a vi.Ubk Form, and prefent· cd it felf to the view of Men.· But thofe who projrjfed themjilves rvtje, d!d not acknowledge the Creator:- For fame conceited the World w be Erernal,othcrsthat it was rhe produCt r:n~h~~:'Jl~0::~ [ b:J~~je ~~~t~e~~~l~\ 1!16Li~~ ~~~n~l~i~ ~~;~1~t~n~~~[\~~~~~~~~e~~.~~ fcaty igoorant of all Colours, and of the Art of PRiniing~OJovld take a bundle of J:'enals into his Hand, ·and dipping them in Colours m1Xt and c01:rupre~, a grc~t Uattel Wtth that Pcrfetlion in the Dejign, propriety in the c'olollrs, drf\incnon in the Habtts and Cour.te. nances1