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in Contriving Man's Redemption. CHAP. Vlll. Tbe Mercy of God is reprefented witb pemliar Advantages above tbe otber Aitribntes. 'Tis eminently glorified in OJtr Kedemptwn, in rejpetl of tts Free~ nefs and Greatnejs. Tbe Freenefi of it amplified from the conjideration of the Original and Objetl of it. God is perfeWy bappy in bimfolf, and needs not the Creature to preforve or beighten bis Felicity. The glorious Reward conferred upon oHr Saviollr, doth 1101 prej11dice the Freenejs of his Love to Man. Time was no rye upon God to fave Mm. Ihe Objetl of Mercy is Man in his lapfod State. 'Tis illujlrated by tbe conjideration of wbat he is in bimfelf. No motives of Love are in bim. He is a Kebel impotent and objlin•te. The freenefs of Mercy [et fortb by comparing him with the faUen Angels, who are left i11 perfetl irremediable Mifery. Their Jirfl State, , Fall, and Punifhment. The Keafonf why the Wifdoin of God made no J>rovijions for their Recovery. THough all the Divine Attributes are equai as ti1ey are in God, ( f0r one Infinite cannot exceed another) yet in their Exercife and Effetls, they !bine with a different Glory. And Mercy is reprefented in Scripture with peculiar Ad vanrages above the reO:. Tis God's natural Oft.·fpring, he is O:i!ed the Father of Mercie~, 2 Cor. J. 3· 'Tis his dear Attribute, that which he places next ro himfe!t; He is proclaimed the Lord Godgr<tcious ,md MercifHI, Exod. 34· 6. Tis his Delight, Mercy pleafes him, Mic. 7- ,s. 'Tis his Treafure, he is rich in Mercy, Ephef. 2. 4- 'Tis his triumphant Attribute, and the fpecial matter of his Glory, Mercy rejoice.r over J~tdgment, Jam. 2. 13. Now in the performance of our Redemption, Mercy is the predominant Attribute, that fers all1he reft a working. The Acts of his Wifdom, JuO:ice, and Power were in order to the Illul'trarion of his Mercy. And if we duly confider that Glorious Work, we fball find in it all the Ingredients of rhe moO: Sovereign Mercy. !n difcourfing of it, I fhall principally confider two things, wherein this Attribute is eminently glorified. 145 1'\J\./1 Chap. 8. V"V'\J The Freenefs, and the Greatnefs of it. The Freenefs of this Mercy will appear by confidering the Original and Objetl of it. 1. The Original is God : and the Notion of a Deity includes infinite Perfel:\ions, fo that it necelfarily follows that he h<th no need of the Creatures Service to preferve or heighten his Felicity. If thou he righteous, whnt givtfl tho11 himl or what receiveth he of thine band? Job 35· 7· From Eternity he was without external Honour, yet in that infinite Duration he was perfectly joyful and happy. He is the Fountain of his own Blelfednefs, the Theatre of his own Glory, the G!afs of his own Beauty. One drop increafes the Ocean, but to God a Million of Worlds can add nothing. Every thing bath fo much of Goodnefs as it derives from him. As there was no Gain ro him by the Creation, fo there can be no Lofs by_the Annihilation of all things. The World proceeded from his Wifdom as the Idea and Exemplar, and from his Power as the Efficiwt Caufe; and it fo proceeds from him, as to remain more perfell:ly in him. And as the Polfeflion of all things, and the Obedience of Angels and Men is of no Advantage to God ; fo the oppofition of impenitent Rebels cannot Jelfen his Blelfedr.efs. lJ thou jiuneft, what doft thou .againfl him? ·or, if thy Tranfgreffion.r be multiplied, what dofl '"?'tllnto him? Job 35· 6. The Sun fuffers no Jofs of his Light by' the Darknefs of the N•ght, o~ an Echpfe, but the World Jofes its Day: If intell igent Beings do not eO:eem h1m for ht~ ~reatnefs, and love him for his Goodnefs, 'tis no Injury to him, but their . own Infe!tCtty. Were 11 for his IntereO:, he could by one atl of Power conquer the Obninacy of his fierce(]: Enemies. If he require Subjetlion from his Creatures, 'ris not that he <?ay be happy, but liberal, that his Goodnefs may take its ri fe to reward them. Now thts IS the fpectal Commendation of Divine Love, it dorh not ari[e out of htdi- ·~cncy as created Love, bur our of Fulnefs and Redundancy. Our Saviour tells us there 's. none goo~ ?":God, Mar. 19. '7· not onl_y in refpect of the Perfection of that At· trlb_ute, as 1t IS m God in a tranfcendent manner; but as to the Effetls of his Goodnefs, whtch are merely for the Benefit of the Receiver. He is ont 1 ricb ill Metcy, to whom U nothing