'I be Harmony of the Vivine Attributes W the Beholders deteft the Crime, and abhor the Punifhment, is an heavy Aggravation of Chap. 9· it. Beheading, which is fuddenly difpatcht by a Sword or \"lilitary ln!\rument, and ~ therefore more honotlrable, was a Priviledge: But to hang oil the Crofs, was the mol[ confpicuous mark of the publick Juftice and Difpleafure: A fpecial Infamy was concommitant with ir. Among the JewJ, hanging on a Tree was branded with the Curfe: Therefore God commanded that the B•diu of thofe that were hanged on a Tree fhould be c~c~~~~~~a ~a3~e~ ~~~dnt~~ }:d~:;~;~f~~~e/~ak~~: :::g:J~[;::a~ed("~~~ [~~hi; ~:f~n~e~~Affr~ ]lrtlt'I!.Sar.6.ed on the mofr infamous Offenders, as Fugitives, Slaves, Thieves, and Traitors, fuch . . whom the lownefs of their Quality, or the height of their Crimes rend red unworthy :tS;1~i ~~:~~ R~~~! Ci~~~~: ·~~~,lst~a! ~~;;~e~/~i:~e~g!{s~atN~£~~~~~t[e ~~u'(dn·:~~~e~sn:~;~ hoc. {~tJl!luiJ Indignity. :~~n;iji~~~ 2. The pain of that Death was extreme. The Hands and Feet, thore parts wherein 'llz P!"~fimt. the complexion of the Nerves meet, and are of an exquifite Senfc, were nail ed. Cruci- ~=sR~ma~fied Perions fuffered a flow Death, but quick Torments: They felt them[dves, die. num cium, Therefore in pity the Soldiers broke their Legs, to put a period to their Mi[ery. And Z't!NS tftwr- to cornpleat thei r Punifhment, they were judg'd unwonhy to enjoy the privi ledge of :.":rf;;tl!:,opr the Grave, repore in the Borom of the Eanh our common Mother, the lafi Confohttion nrcarr!qHitla;. of the Dead, bu't were expofed as a Prey to Birds and Beafts. '::: t~trC:/'; Now the Son of God endured no gentler nor nobler Death than that of the Crofs. vn.M 1llidtm His pure and gracious Hands, which were never fhetcht out but to do good, were e{.s~pt.mrpierced; and thofe Feet which bore the Redeemer of the World, and for which theWa- ~~;::~r:,;lf!" ters had a reverence, were nail'd. His Body, the precious Workmanfhi(> of lhe Holy ""''""fl· Ghoft, the Temple of the Deity, was dellroyed. He that is the Glory ot Heaven, was made the fcorn of the Earth: The King of Kings was crucified between Ti.o Thieves in Jer•falem, at their S•cred Feaft, in the Face of the World. His naked Body was expofed on the Crofs for three hours, only covered with a Veil of Darknefs. This was fuch a jlupcndious fubmiffion of the Son of God, that his Death a!lonifht the Vniverfc in another manner, than his Birth and Life, his Refurtel.tion and Afcenfion. Univerfal Nature relented at his !aft Sufferings. The Sun was llruck with horror, and with . drew its Light; it did not appear crown'd with Beams, when the Creator was with Thorns. The Earth trembled, and the Rocks rent; the mort infenfible Creatures jjwtpathis'd with him; and 'tis in this we have the mof\: vifible in fiance of Divine Love ro us. The Scripture diflinl.'tly reprefent the Love of God in giving his Son, and the Love of Cbrift in giving himfelf to die for Man, and both require our deepeft confideration. The F.tber expreft fuch an excefs of Love, that our Saviour himfelf fpeaks of it with admiration: God fo loved the World, thnt he gave his on!J begotten Son, that whofoever helieves on hint fhonld not pcrijh, b,t have everlafling Life, John 3· 16. If Abraham's refolution to offer his Son, was in the Judgment of God a convincing Evidence of his Affection, Gen. 21. 12. how much more is the al.'tual facrificing of Chrill the ftronge!l proof of God's Love to us ? For God had a higher Title to lfaac than Abraham had : The Father of Spirits hath a nearer claim, than the Fathers of Flefh. Abraham's readinefs to offer up his Son was Obedience to a Command, not his own choice; 'twas rath<r an Al.'t of Juftice than Love, by which he render'd to God what was his own. But God /pared not his own Son in whom he had an Eternal Right: And he was not only free from Obligation, but not fued to for our Salvation in tllat wonderful way. For what Humane or Angelica! Under!landing could have conceived fuch a Thought, that the Son of God fhould die for our Redemption? The mort charitable Spirits in Hea.en had not a glimmering Inclination towards th is admirable way of faving us. It had been an impious Blafphemy to havedefired it; fo that Chrij/ is the mof\ abfolute Gift of God to us. Befides, the Love of Abraham is to be meafured by the Reafons that might excite it; For according to the amiablenefs of the Objel.'t, fo much greater is the Love that gives it. Many endearing Circumflances made lfaac the Joy of his Father: He was an ' only Son, miraculoufly obtained, after many Prayers and long expel.'tation of his Parents, when natural Vigor was fpent, and all hopes dead of having a furviving Heir; he was in the Spring of his Youth, and the Root of all the Promifes, rhat in him a Progeny as numerous as the Stars, and that the Meffiah infinitely more worthy than all the refl fbould come; yet at the beft he was an imperfel.'t mortal Creature, fo that but a moderate affeCl:ion was regularly due to him. Whereas our Redeerner ·was not a. meer Man, or an Angel, but God's only begotten Son, which Title fignifies his Unity with • hlm