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in Contriving Man's Redemption. CHAP. X. Divine Mercy is magnified in the excellemJ of the ftate to which Man is advanced. He is inricht with higher Prerogatives, llflder a belter Covenant, entitled to a more glorious Reward than Adam at jirft enjoyed. The humane Nature is perfonally united to the Son of God. Believers are fpiritually united to Chrifi. The Gofpel is a better Covenant than that of the Law. It admits of Repentance and Reconciliation after Sin. It accepts of Sincerity inftead of Perfection. It affords fupernatural A{ftftance to Believers, whereby they foal/ be viCiorious over all oppojition in their way to Heaven. The difference between the Grace of the Creator and that of th~ Redeemer. The ftability of tbe New-Covenant is built on the Love of God which is tmchangeable, and the Operations of his Spirit that are ejfeflual. Tbe mutability and weak._nefs of the Hwnane Will, and the ftrengtb of Ttmptations foal/ 1101 fruftrate the mercifnl Dejign of God in regard of bis Elect. The glorious Reward of the Gofpel exceed.· the Primitive Felicity of Adam, in the place of it, the higbefl Heaven. Adam's Life was attended witb innocent Infirmities, from wbich the glorified Life is entirely exempt. The Fe/ifity of Heaven exceeds the firfi, in the manner, degreu, and continu• ance of tbe Fruition. THE Third Confideration, which makes the Love of God fo admirable to lapfed Man, is, the excellency of that State to which he is advanc'd by the Redeemer. To be only exempted from Death is a great Favour : The Grace of a Prince is eminent in releafi ng a condemned Perfon from the Punilhment of the Law. This is fufficient for the Mercy of Man, but not for the Love of God : He pardons and prefers the guilty ; he refcues us from Hell, and raifes us to Glory ; he befrows Eternity upon thofe who were unworthy of Life. The. excellency of our Condition under the Gofpel will be fet off, by comparing it with that of Innocent Man in Paradife. 'Tis true, he was then in a (bte of Holinefs and Honour, and in perfect Potfeflion of tha t Bletfednefs which was fuitable to his Nature; yet in many refpefrs our ]a([ frate tranfcends our firfr, and redeeming Love exceeds creating. IfMJn had been only refror'd to his forfeited Rights, to the enjoyment of the fame Happinefs which was Jo([, his firfr frate were mofr deflrable; And it had been greater Goodnefs to have preferv'd him innocent, than to recover him from min. As he that preferves his Friend from falling into the hands of the Enemy, by imerpoling between him and danger, in the mid([ of the Combat, delivers him in amore noble manner, than by paying a 1\.anfom for him after many days [pent in woful Captivity. And that the Phyjiciall is more excellent in his. Art, who prevents Di feafes, and keeps the Body in health and vigour,, than another that expels them by (harp Remedies. But the grace of the Gofpel bath fo much mended our Condition, that if it were olfer'd to our choice, either to enjoy the innocent State of AdatJt, or the renewed by Chri{l, ii were folly like that of our ftrf/ Parents, to prefer the former before the latter. The ]11bilcc of the L.,, reflor'd to the fame Inheritance; but the Jubilee of the Gofpcl gives us the Jnvefriture of that which is tranfcendemly better than what we at fir([ potfefr. Since the Day-fpring from OJJ High hath vifited us iu tender Mercy, we are inrich'd wirh higher Prerogatives, and are under abetter Covenant, and entitled to a more glori ons Reward, lhan was due to Man by the Law of his Creation. Firjl, T_he If"?"•'" Nature is raifed to an higher degree of Honour, than if Man had contmued m h1s mnocent State. I. By its intimate Union with the Son of God. He atfum'd it as the fit Infrrumentof o~r: Redemption, and preferr'd it before the A11gelical, which furpafl Man's in his Pritmflve.St?te. Thej11lnefs oftbeGod-head dweUs ;, onr Redeemer bodily, Col. 2. 9· From hence tt !s, t?a~ the Angels defcended to pay Him homage at his Birth, and attended his MaJefly m h1s difguife. The Son of,Man bath thofe Titles which are above the Digni- . ty of any meer Creatnre; He is King of the Church, and Judge of the World; he , ~oo<­ erctfes 159 r\.A./1 Chap. to. U"V'\J