in Contriving Man's Redemption. that are rep~nted of and forfaken. Now with greater reafon rh~ Covenant of Grace is ("'\.J\../1 to be preferr'd before the Covenant of Works. For the Law c~nfidered Man. as holy, Chap. ID; and endued with perfetl:ion of Grace equal to whatfoever was commanded: Twas the~ mearure of his Ability as well as Duty, and requir'd exaCt Obedience, orthreatned extreme Mifery. The !earl Breach of it is fatal: A tingle Offence as certainly expofes to the Curfe, as if the whole were violated. And in our lapfed State we are utterlydifabled to comply with its Purity and Perfel.l:ion. Butthe Gofpel contains the PromifesofMercy, and is in the Hands ofa Mediator. The Tenourofit is, That Repentance and Remiffion of Sins be preached in the Name ofChrijl, All:. 2. 38. And if we j11dge OHr felves, we jha/1 not be j11dged; 1 Cor. 1 r. 31. 'Tis nor if we are innocent, for then none could be exempt from Condemnation: But if the convinced Sinner ereCt: a Trib1mal in Confcience , and fhips Sin of its Oif~ui[e, m view its native Deformity; if he pronounces the SeJ?tence of the ~aw again[\ himfelf, and glorifie the Jurlice of God which he cannot fat1sfie, and forfake the Sins which are the caufes of his Sorrow, he is qualified for pardoning Mercy. Befides, The Gofpel doth not only apply Pardon to us for all for faken Sins, but provides a Remedy for thofe Infirmi ties to which the beft are incident. Whilft we are in this mortal State, we are expofed to Temptations from without, and have Corruptio·ns within thJt often. betrays us: Now to [upport our drooping Spirits, our Redeemer firs in HeaYen to plead for us, and perpetually renews the Pardon that was once purchafed, to every contrite Spirit, for rhofe unavoidable Frailties which cleave to us here. The Promife of Qrace is not made void by the [udden Surprifes of Paflions. If any Ma11 Jin, we mt Advoc~tte with the Father, JefiuChrifl the Righte01u, 1 John 2. r. The rigour of the Law is moll ified by his Mediation with the Father: A Title of Love and T endernefs. God deals not wirh the SeveriiJ of a Judge, but He fparCJ 111 ;ts a Nian [pares his owtr Son that fcrves him, Malac. 3· And as he pardons us upon our Repentance, fo he accepts our hearty,though mean Se rvices. Now the Legal, that is, unftnning and compleat Obed~ence cannot be perform$>d; the Evangelical, that is, the fincere, though imperfel.l:, is gracioutly received. Gyk"doth , not require the Duties of a Man by the meafures of an Angel. Unfeigned Endeavours to r;;a;;,~;;:;~rr~~~;, Fp,~~b~~s ~0t~~ t~v~~~~~f:~~l~sg~e ~~~eh~~ ,f:~~,"y~isn~~o;; the Covenant of Ute. And w~at an admirable Exaltation of Mercy is there in this new T reaty <>f God with Sinners ? 'Tis true, the firft Covenant was holy, j11jl md good, but it made no abatements of Favour, and 'tis now wea4_ through the Flefh, 8. 3· thar is, the carnal corrupt Nature is [o fl::rong and impetuous, that the reO:raints of the Law are ineffel.l:ual to rlop its Defires, and therefore cannot bring Man to that Life that is prdmifed, by the performance of the Condition required. But the Gofpel provides an Indulgence for relenting and returning Sinners. This is the Language of God in that Covenant, I will be merciful to their Vnrighteoufoe[r, dn~ their Sins and their Iniquities wiU I re~ 1Jiember no more, Heb. 8. 12. 2. The excellency of the Evangelical Covenant above the Legdl, is, itl that fopertrat;tral Aflirlance which is conveyed by it to Believers, whereby they fhall be certain ly vil.l:orious over all oppofition in their Way tQ Heaven. 'Tistrue, .Adam was endued with perfel:l Holinefs and Freedom, but he might intangle himfelf in the Snares of Sin and Death. The grace of the Creator given to him was a! ways prefent, but it depended on ,the naturalufe of his Faculties, without the interpofing any extraordinary Operation of God's Spirit. The Priffciple of Holinefs was in himfelf, and 'twas fubjel.l:ed to his Will : He had a Power to obey if he would, but not that alhally d~termined his Will, for then he had perfevered. But the grace of the Redeemer that flows from Chrift as our quickening Head, and 1s conveyed to all h1s Members, enclines the Will fo powerfully that 'ti? made fubjel.l: to \t. God worlzs in '!' to wiU and to do ofhis good pleajitre, Phi I. 2. q. The ufe of our FacultieS, and the exerCife of Grace, depends on the good Pleafure of God, who is tmchangeable, and the Operations of the Spirit which are prevailing and effel.l:ual. And . upon thefe two rhe rlability of the New Covenant is .founded. r. ?n the Love of G'?d, who is as unchangeable in his Will, as in his Nature. This L')ve _1s the cau[eof~lethon, from whence there can. be no Separation. This gives Chriil to Believers, and B.ehevers to Hi':"; Thine the} were, fa!th our Saviour, andtho~t gaveflthem me, )oh. 17.6. whiCh wordsfign.6enotthecommonTrtle God hath to all by Creation: for Men thus nniverfally confider' cl, compofe the World; and our Sav iour diftlngu ifhesthofe tlutaregivw him fromthel1:orld, Jo. 16. 17. butthatfpecla! ri ght God hath in them byeIel.l:!On. An~ all rho[e are grven by the Father to Chri[\ in their effel.l:ual Call in~, (wh ich is exprefl: by hts drawing them to the So,:) and are committed to his care, to lead them thro' a courfe of Obedience to Glory. For them Chrift abfolutely prays as Mediator, Father, I y rpi/J