Bates - HP BX5200 B3 1700

174~--------~ __ he__li_a_rm__ ~~ry_of~th_e __V_ro_i_ne__AI_tt_r_ib_ut_e_s_________ ~is t~·e I~~t~~~~~~d0~~~~/~1st~~~~ri~~!e ~e~~~~~~ }~o~c"w~e~::~:f ~i~ftr~~~d~om~~;~ ~ ting Influences are derived : and for the apening ofit, I will firft confider the Requifites in order ro it: which are, r. The Appointment of God, whofe Power and Will are to be confidered in this tranfaetion. fh;~jJ :O~tf~~~~r :o f~:d~~~a~~~:e~d~~~m~~J0d~~~~~/~:~fseJ~~~r~~~a?t t~~o~~~~ fon of a Judge, that is the Minifter of the Law, and cannot free the Guilty by transferring the Punifhment on another; but is to be confidered as Governour, who may by pure Jurifdiftion difpenfe in the execution of the Law, upon thofe Confiderations which tu lly anfwer the ends of Government. T he Law is net executed according to the Letter of it, for then no Sinner coil be Coved : but repenting Believers are free from condemnation. Nor is it abrogated, for then no Obligation remains as to the Dmy, or Penalty of it: but Men are frill bound to obey it, and impenitent Infidels are {\ill under the Curfe: The Wrnth of God nbides 11pon them. But 'tis relax'd as to the punifbment, by the mercifu\.condefcenfion of the Lawgiver. Some Laws are not capable of relaxation in their own Nature: becaufe there is includ· ed moral Iniquity in the relaxation. As the Commands to love God and obey Confcience, can never lofe their binding force. 'Tis an univerfal Rule tha~ futfers no exception, God cannot deny himfelf; therefore he can never allow Sin, that direCtly oppofes the perfetlions of His Nature. Befides, fome Laws cannot be relax'd ex hypotheji, upon the account of the Divine Decree which makes them irrevocable, as that all who die in their impenitency lball be damned. Now there was no exprefs fign annex'd to the Santl-ion of the original Law, to intimate, that it fhould be unalterable as to the Letter of it. The threatning declared the defert of Sin in the Olfender, and the right of punifbing in the Superior; bur 'tis fo to he underftood, as notto frul\rate the Power of the Law-giver, to relax the Punilbment upon wife and ju{\ Reafons. The Law did neithe r propound, nor exclude this expedient: for judging without f~~~~l ~/~~~ g~e~d~:~hjtti~s ~~j~~~~;t~~~~du~;~~:nl~~,t\~;;~~epre[.~~a;\~nn~} pnblick order, for the honour of the Law-giver, and the benefit of thof• that are SubjeCts. So that the relaxing the punifbment, as to the Perfon of the Sinner, by compenfiuion, fully anfwers the intent of the Law. (2.) As by the right of JurifdiC\ion God might relax the Law, and appoint a Mediator to interpofe by way of Ranfom, fo he bath declared his Will to accept of Him. The Law in ftriC\nefs obliged the Sinning Perfon to futfer, fo that he might have refufed ony other SatisfaCtion. Therefore the whole Work of our R.edemption is referred to His Will as the primary caufe. Our Saviour was fent into the World by the order of ~~~1;o~1;'{i~.' 1 ~~ !::s ~:~~~·:~Hj~~~~e,'~;~~~~~;~~~f~~~ ~~~:r';~:~ i'le.<;~n~~~: art my beloved Son iu who!JJ I am weU pleafid, Mat. 3· 17. God anointed him with the· Holy G!Jojl, nnd with Power, ACts 10. 38. which fignifies as the enduing of Him with ~~e~:,"~~d 0~r~;h;t~i~!~/o ~~J~~~i~~r~~~ce~a:;1~ f~~h::~~fce~~i~~~~t ~~s~~:~ are unprofitable to us, and his Office without his capacity, of no advantage. In lbort, the Aponle obierves th is as the peculiar excellency of the New Covenant, and the foundation of our hopes, that the Mediator was conftituted by a folemn Oath, The Lord hath fwom, aud wiU not repent, thou art a Priefl for ever after the order of Melchifedec, Heb. 7· 21· 2. The Confent of our Redeemer was necelfary, that he might by Sufferings fatisfy for us. For being the Lord from Heaven , there was no Saperiour Authority to command, or Power to compel him. 'Tis true, hoving become our Surety, 'twas neceffary He thou id be accountable to the Law: But the firft undertaking was moft free. When one bath entred into Bonds to pay the Debt of an infolvent Perfon, he muft give fatisfatlion; bm 'tis an at\ of liberty ond choice to make himfelf liabl e. Our Saviour tells us, Luke. 24. 46. It behoved Cbri(i to fu.lfer; he doth not fay that the Son of God lbou!d fulfer, bm that Chrift. This Title fignifies the fame Perfon in fubftance, bat not in the fame r<'fpeC\ and confideration. Chril\ is the Second Perfon cloathed with our Nature. The1e was no neceflity that obliged God to appoint his San, or the Son to accept the Office of Mediator; but when the Eternal Son had undertook that Charge, and was made Chrift, that