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180 'I he Harmony of the 'Divine Attributes ' "-.A./1 p\eafure. It pleafed the Lord to brui(e him, !fa. 53· 10. this principally refpells the !mChap. •3·preflions of Wrath made upon his inward Man. Had theCup he fear"d been only Death, ~with the bitter Ingredients of difhonour and pain, many have drank it with more appearing refo\ution. The Martyrs endured more cruel Torments without complaint; nay, in their fharpeO: Conflills have exprefl: a triumphant Joy. · Whereas our Redeemer was under all the innocent degr~es of fear and farrow at the approach of his Sufferings. from whence was the difterence? Had ChriO:lefs Courage? He was the fountain of their For- ;i~ft.~:i~g;,he ~!~~~~~:dwt~a~~~i~~h~ ~~f~~ir:~;~n::r~ht~~f~i:~~~nb~t~ ~nu~~vea~r~~~~~~~s~ The Light of Joy that always fhined in hi sSoul , a fweet Image of Heaven, was then totally eclips'd. God, the Fountain of Compaflion, reO:rain'd himfelf; his Father appear"d a fevere inexorable Judge, and dealt with him not as his Son, but our Surety. Under all the Cruelties exercis'd by Men, the Lamb ofGod open'd not his Mouth; but when the Father of Mercies, and the God of aUConfolation, forfook him, then he broke forth into a mournful Complaint. Now by this account of ChriO:'s Sufferings from Scripture, 'tis evident, they were truly penal~ tOr they were infl iCted for Sin, by the Supreme Judge, and were equivalent to the Sentence of the Law. Awl the benefit we receive upon their account, proves that they are Satisfaction to Divine Jufti ce, for we are exemp- ~:~ ~:~~~ :c~,~~fo~1~:s,bb~:~ ~;~~~ffi~~ ~~}iife/!e:f:;:,,;s/;;;; ~;~~7;fn o{;!: ~;w;Iofo flripes we are healed, !fa. 53· 5· So that his Death being the Meritorious Caufe of freeing the Guilty, is properly SatisfafJion. Before I proceed ro the fecond Confideration ofChrifl:'s Death, I will briefly anfwer the Objeetion of the Socinian.r, viz. That 'tis a Violation of JuO:ice ro transfer the Puni01ment from one ro another, fo thll the R.ighteous God could not punifh his innocent Son •for our Sins. Now ro·f11ew the invalidity of this Pretence, wernuft: confider; 1. That Ju11:ice ·is- not an irregular appetite of Vengeancearifingfrom Hatred rhar can- ~~et~:~;:s~~~ ~~tc~v~~~n~h!~~fl:~~~i~;j:,~ t~~ ?e~!:;.d, 1Irg~e~h~~~~~~: ~:f~a8~~ comes. 2. Tho' an innocent Perfon can'~ fuffer as innocent without Inju!Hce, yet he may voluntarily contraC): an Obligation, which will expofe him to deferved Sufferings. The Wifd0m and Jufl:ice of all Nat'idns agree in punifhing one for anothers Fault,. where confent is preceding, as in rhe cafe of Hofl:ages. And although it's Effenti~l to the Nature of Punifhm~nt to be inflitled for Sin, yet not on the Perfon of the Sinner: For iu Confpeflu fori, the Sinner and Surety are one. 3· That exchange is not allowed in Criminal Caufes where the Guilty ought to fuffer in Per.fon, 'ri::; not frbm any Injufiice in the Nature of the thing, for then it would nor be allowed in Ci vi l; but there arefpecial Reafons why an Innocent Perfon is not ordinarily admitted to fuffer for an Offender. I. No Man hath abfoltlte Power over his own Life.. Tis a depoftum confign'd to him for a time, and muO: be preferv'd till God, orthe Publick Good, cal!s for it. . 2. The Publi ck would fufte r prejudice by the Jofs of a good Subjell. Therefore the Rt1le of the Law is jpft, Nou tlfldit11r pcrire volf;nJ. The delire of one that devotes himfe lf to ruin is not to be heard. '· And the guilty perfon who is fpared might grow worfe by Impunity , and caufe 'great diforders by his evil Example. But thefe Confiderations are of no force in rhe cafe of our Saviour : For, I. He had ful! power to difpofe of his Life : I have power to lay it down, and I have power to l ak_e it agnin: TbiJ Comm-andmmt have I received of my Father, John 10. 18. He declares his Power as God, that his Life intire!y depended on his Will, to preferve it, or part with it: And his fubjellioq as IV!ediator to the order of his Father. . 2. Our Saviour could not finally perifh. 'Twas not poflible he fhould be held under the po.ver of Dl ,th, Alls 2. 24. Otlierwife it had been againfl: the Laws of Reafon, that the precious f\lould !or ~ver fuffer for the Vile. Better ten thoufand Worlds had been Jofr, than· that the Hqlj One of G~d fhould perifh. He faved us through his Sufferings, though aS by Fire; and had a glorious Reward in the iffue. 3· There is an infi.n.ite Good redounds from his Sufferings: For finners are exempted from Death, and the prefervation of the Guilty is for the Glory of God's Government: For thofe who are r' dct!med by his Death, are renewed by his Spirir. He covers their Sins, that he may cure · them. He is made Rightc01tf11e[s and Sanf1iftcation to hit People, I Cor. L 0o. The feritlus belief rhat ChriO: by dying hath refcued us from He!!, produces a'fopetlhtive•Love' t'o:!iiin, and ingenuous and grateful fear Jefl: we fhould offend Him, an ambition to 'pleafe Him in ·aJ! things. Briefly, Univerfal Obedience to his Wil!,