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in Contriving Man's Redemption. 1. Typicttl, from the Breach of a Ceretllonia/ Conftitution,_ which had ?O relation to~~ Mora/it;. Such were natural Pollmions, accid enra l Difeafes, the touchmg of a dead ~ Body, &c. which were efteemed vicious according to the Law, and the Defiled were excluded from Stured and Civil Society. Now thefe Impurities confidered in them(elves,_ de[erved no Puni(p.menr. For involuntary and inevitable Infirmities, and corporeal things. which do not in feCI: the inward Man, are the Marks of our abjeCI: and wclk ~tlte, but are not themfelves fi nful . Therefore Ceremonial Guilt was expiated by a Ceremonial Offering. For 'tis according to the nature of things. that Obligations thou id be d"iffolved by the fame means, by which they are cont raCI:ed. As therefore thofc Po!lutions were pmal meerly by the pojitive Wi ll of God; [o ( the Exercife of his Supreme Right being tempered. with Wi fdom and Eqnity) he ordained that the ?uilt (hould. be aboli!h"d by a Sacnfice, and that they !hould be fully refiored to thetr former Pnvtledges. :,~~;:;;etff~;p,:e l;~,';s;/~~~~:~~!~~ :h7,3~\o~~ri~: t~1~~~ ~~;;~~s~s Jy a right to approach the holy Place. Now the reafon of thefe Jnftiturions was, r h~t the legal Impurity might reprefent the true Defilements of Sin, and the Exp;aro? Sacnfices prefigure that great and admirable Oblation which !hould purge away all Sm. 2. A real Guilt which refpeCI:s the Confcience, and was concraCI:ed from rhe Breach of the Moral Law, and fubjeCI:ed the Offender to Death Temporal and Eternal. This could not be purged away by d10fe Sacrifices. For how is it poflible the Blood of a Be aft fhould cleanfe the Soul of a Man, or contenr rhe Jufti<e of an offended God? Nay on rhe contrary, they reviv'd the gui lt of Sin, and reinforced the rigour of the Law, and were ~ publick Profeflion of the Mifery of Men: for th is reafon rhe Law is called the M;nis1r 1 of Death. As the Moral contained a Declara ti on of our Guilt, and God.'s ;ight to punilb, fo all the parts ~f the Ceremonial were eirher Arguments and ~onv1Cbons. of Sin, or Images of the Punt!hmem due for them. But as they had a relatiOn to Chnfi whd was their Complement, fo they fig ni fied the ExpiatiOJt ofmoral Guilt by his Sacrifice, and freed rhe Sinner from that temporal Death to which he was liable; as a Reprefentative of our Freedom from eternal Dearh by t'he Blood of the Crofs. This will appear more · clearly by confidering, 1. That all kinds of placatoey Sacrifices are referred to Chril'r in the New Teftament. 2. That all their EffeCI:s are attributed to him in a fublimer and moll: perfdt manner. He is called a Lamb in the notion of a Sacrifice, The La111b jlain fi'om. the .Formdation of the J1.rorld, Rev. 13. 8. A Lamb {vas u[ed in the Expiation of IJ!Ora! and legal Impurities, L ev . 5· 6. & 14. 12 . He is called o11r Pafjover that w:u forrijiced for'"' I Cor. 5· 7· The Pafchal Lamb in itsjirjl l nfiitution had an expiatory Efficacy, Excd. 12. q. for God by looking on thl t Blood, averted the DefiruCI:ion from the lfraclitu, which fe ized on the Egyptiani. This was the rea(on of the Prohibition, that none !hould go Out of the Houfe rill the Morning, left they !hould be firuck by the del'rroying Ange l : Not bu t that the Angel could difi ingu i!h the lfraeliter from the Eg 7 puani abroad, but 'twas IJpica!, to thew their Security was in beinp; under the guard of che Lamb's Blood, which was fbed to fpare theirs. Thus the Apollle Petee tells us, 1 Pet. I. 19. We are redeemed bJ the Blood of the pnee and perfdJ Lamb. And he was reprefented by the •·cd Heifer, whofe A!hes were the chief Ingredient in the Water of Purifica- ~;~a~, f,:&;J.:k',~;~,:d/tJ;~ ;;~//}~~."If.~~~~~·~,"!:.P,}!:t'l!;~·:;';;z,;:eP"~;: the Confcicncc? Heb. 9· q, 14. Efpeciall y the Annjverfary Sacrifice, which was rhe Abridgment and Recapitulation of all the refi, had an eminent refpeCI: ro Chrift: The whole Epijlie ro the Hebrewr is ti nCI:ured with th is divine DoCI:rine. · Secondlj, The_EifeCI:s of Chri fi's Death are;njinitely more excellent than thofe that proceeded from Levtttc~tl Sacnfices. The Law had a Jbaduw of good thing I to ro1;.re, Heb. 10 . 1. But the real Virtue and Efficacy is only found in Chrifi. · I. The Averf!on ofGod"s Wrath is afcribed to his Death; according to the Words of ~he ~pofHe, Rom. ~· 25, 26. Whimt God hathfet forth to be a Propitiatimz through Faith m hu Blood, to declare his Righteo~tfnejl for the RtmifJion of SinJ th:rt are paji ., thr01tgh tht forbeara~tce of God, to declare, I fay, at thii lime hii Righteou.foefi, that be might b: jnft, and tbc Juftijier of him that bclievei in Jefo.~. A propitiation fltz;"tv.o,, the Title of the Mercy-feat, partly in regaod it cover"d the Tables of the Law which were broke by us, to fl~nifie t~at by him Pardon is procnr'd for us, and principall y becaufe God was rend red proptttous by the fprinkling the Blood of the Sacr ifice on it, and exhibited himfelf there, as on a Throne of Grace, favourable to his People. For this Re:.~fon he gives rhe name of the Figur_e to Chr ift, for he alone an:wers the Charge of the Law, and inrerpofes between JuftiCe and our GU! lt, and by hts own Blood hath reconciled God to us. Now the deflgn of God in this Appointment was to J,;, Righteoujiufr; that is, that