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in ·Contriving Man's Redemption. 1-ieb. 1. 3· IkSon of God, the Brightnefs of his Glory, and the exprcfi Image of h;, Per- r...A,.I1 fon having purged by himfelf our Sins, is Jet drom o1t tbe .right Ha~td of tin Mal'JIY on Chap. '4' High. Fro,m hence ,arifes the infinite .diff~rence ~etween theSacri~ces of the ~aw, and ~ Chrifl's, in the Value and Vertue. ThiS wtth adm1rable Emphafis IS fetdownm Heb. 9· 13, 14. For if ths Blood ofB•IIsand of Goats, and theAfhes ofan Heiferfpri1zgli1tg theVnclem, fan/Jijieth to the purification of the Flefh ; How much more fhallthe Blood of Chrijl, who through the Eternal Spirit offir'd bimfelf without fpot to God, purge yor<r Confeimces from dead Work,s to ferve the living God.< Wherein the Apoflle makes a double Hypothejis ; 1, That the Legal Sacrifices were ineffetl:ual to purify from rea l Guilt.. o. .That by their Typical Cleanfing, they fignified the walhing away of moral Gtf1lt by the Blood of Chrifr. 1. Their infulliciency to expiate Sin, appears, if we confider the Subjetl:. Sin is to be expiated in the fame nature wherein 'twas committed. Now the Bea((s are of an inferiour rank and have no communion with Man in his Nature: Or, if we confider the Objeet, God'was provoked by fin, and he is a Spirit, and not to be appeafed by grofs »Mterial things: His Wifdot'n requires that a ratienal Sacrifice Chould expiate the guilt of a rational Creature: And Ju!liceisnot fatisfied without a proportion between the Guilt and the Puhilhment. This weaknefs and infulliciency of the Legal Sacrifices to expiate Sin, is evident from their variety and repetition: for if full R.emiflion had been obtained, the H'orj!Jipers once purged, foould httve had no more confcience ofSin, H~b . I o. 2. 'Tis the fence , of Guilt, and the fear of Condemnation that required the renewing of the Sacrifice. Now under the Law, the Miniilry of the Priefis never came to a period or perfetlion. The Millions of Sacrifices in all Ages from the eretl:ing the Tabernacle to the ccrning of Chrifr had not virtue to expiate one Sin. They were only Shadows which could give no ref;efhment to the inflamed Confcience, but as rhey depended on Chrifr, the Body and Subflance of them. Bur ihe Son of God, who offered himfelf "P bJ the Etemal Spi• rit to the Father, is a Sacrifice not only intelligent and reafonable, but incomparably ~~~~ ~~eJt;r~~~;';~hr~r~~no~b~~h ~r:~'%,~;~; E~~:~n~;. i~e~%':,"~~asirtl;:1~ffe%~ :O'd Offering: Therefore the Apoftle from the excellency of his Sacrifice, infers the unity of its Oblation, and from thence concludes its Efficacy. Chrijl did vot bJ the Blood of B11ll1' ttnd Got~.ts, but by his own Blood He entred in once into the HolJ PI ~tee, having obt~tined eter• nal Redenlption for 111 : And bJ one Offiring He hath for ever perfe/Jed them who are fan/Ji• ed, Heb. 10. 14. Upon this account God ptomifed in the New-Covenant, that their SittJ ~~~!,~~~~~~[ ~~es~~:ttd .~;;e~~;'~h:i o~~;i~gtl:c,~~e~ ~h.~f;~~ h~~~sr~~~~~a~;/~; p•t away Sin b1 the Sncrifice of himfelf And as it is appointed for all Men once t• die, and ~tjter Death tolft_es Judgment, So Chrift war Once offered t() bear the Sins of bumy, ttnd unto them that look., for hi111 fhall he appear the fecond time without Jilt, . Heb. 9· 26, 27, 28. A! there is no other natural Death to fuffer between Death and Judgment, fo there is no other propitiatory Sact~fice between his AlHullicient Death on the Crofs, and the JaO: coming of our Red~emer. , There is one Confideration I !hall add, to Chew the great .d ifference betWeen Legal Sa- ~h~fi~~~~n~0~/~~!J~t~n1t~~~~~p~!s t~a~f~~~;~~ev~~-~ffe~~~s ~~~ fi~~~~t~l;. ~~~~~~ feB:ion of thore Sacrifices. for fince they "!ere confumed in their Confecration to God's J ufrice, and nothing was left for the nourifhment of the Offerers; 'twas a fign they could not appeare God. The Offerers had CO!Dthunion with them when they brought them to th~ Altar,_ and in a. manner derived tll,ir Guilt to them, but they had no virtue by them m commg fro\" 1t. The linner conveyed Death to the Sacrifice, but did not receive Li_fe_from it: B~t ~hr!fi, the_Lamb of pod, was not [wallowed up in his Offering to DIVIne Jufrtee: T!S h1s gecuhar q lory that He hath compleatly made fatisfatl:ion . We :'lo~~u~l~~ ~~i}~:~ ~thh~ss~~~~~sa~~~~~:e~t~fti~eh~~ B~~~~- As He enter'd in2. The Compleatnefs of his Satisfatl:io 0 is grounded on the dearees of his Sufferings~ There was no defetl: in tlie Payments fie made. We owed a debt of Blood to the Law, and his Life w~s offer'd up as a S~cri,fice: Otherwife the Law had remained in its full vigour, ~nd }ufr1ce had been unrausfied., That a Divine Perfon bath fuffered but Punilhrnent, IS properly fhe reafo~of our R.edemp~ion. As 'tis not the quality of the Surety that r~leafe~ the De9tor froln Pnfon,but the payment which he makes in his Name. The Blood of Chrijl fbed, (Mat. 26. 28. ) poured forth from his Veins and offered up to God, i~ that precife C~nfideration~ . r~t ifies the New-Tcjlnment.• . Th~ fum is, Our . Savi our br. h1s Death fuffer d the Maled1tl:u;m of the La''Ji bn,~ his DIVIne Nature gave a full val~d