10 ~ Chap.3. ~ The Exiftence of G 0 D. This is excellently defcribed by VirgU; Acveluti ingentemformic.e farris Acer'tmm, Cum populant, Hyemis memores, teClotpte repoituNt, /t nigrimt c~tmph agmen,pr£damque ;er herbtH CcnvefJtUtt caUe angufto, par~ grandia trud1f.lzt Obnixa frumenta humeris ; pt~u agmina rogunt, Cafligantque moras, Opere omni< fomitafervet; Thus tran!lated by Mr. Godolphin. So when the Winter-fearing.Ants invade Some heaps of Corn the Husbandman had made; The fable Army marches, and with Prey Laden return, pre11ing the LeafY-way; Some help the weaker, and their f110ulderslend ; Others the Order of the March attend, Bring up the Troops, and punifh all delay. How could they propound fuch End, , and devife Means proper to obtain them? 'Tis evident from their con{tantand regular aCcings, that an Underfianding aboveMan's who often fails in his defigns, imprell: their unerring infrintts, and direCts their motions: CHAP. Ill. The Eocry of ~a~ form'~ with perfeCT: deji~n for Beauty and Vfefu!nefs. A/hart Defmptzon of zts parts. The fabrzck of the Eye and Hand admirab!J difcovers the Wijd9m of the Maker. The ereCT: ftature of the Body fitted for the rational Soul. Man by fjeech u fitted for fociety. How the AjfeCi:ioru are difcovered in the Countenance. The difiinCfion of Perfons by the Face how neceffary. The rei!tfonabfeSoul the imageofa wife and valun~ tary figent. I Will now briefly conuder Man, with refpell: to both the parts of his compounded Nature, whereinare veryclearevidencesofawifeMaker. · . The Body is the mo{[ artificial of all perifhing things in the World. 'Tis ju{[ly called the Jlore-houfo ofprbportions. 'Tis equally impofiible to add any thing but what is fuperlluous, or to takeaway anything but what isnecelfary. How many internal parts, divers in their qualities and figures, are di[po[ed with that providence, that all operate according to their proper Natures, and not one can te, I do not fay better;, buttolerably in any other place, as well for its fpecial as the common benefit? All are fo ju{[ly ordered, with tbat tnutual dependence as to their being and operations, that none can be without the whole, nor the whole without it. So that if with attentive Eye we confider this, it might feem 11 o,;, ;, "'- that in making the Body, the defign was only refpeCcing convenience and 1J profit: But if ;:;::fi.f;: 1:;: we .turn our thoughts from that which is wid1in this unparallel'd Piece, and regard the 'l.lerl/m niam vanous forms and fl:rufture of the outward parts, the graceful order that adorns them, 'd v,;P,;um we might imagine that the Maker only defigned its regular vifible beauty. * As Ph<Vori1r;iaro~H ·Ora· mts comparing the Writings of two famoUs Orators, obferved that if one word be taken '\'·" ':!'';;' from a [entence of Plato, you [poil'd the elegance, if from LJfi", the fen[e. So the de'~kgantiamde: taking away the leafi confiderable part from the ;Body, fpoi1s it comlinefs, or ufefulnefs. ~:F~;t,::~ tn"!";;,~dg:~~~~~~~f~~~~ nh;b;~ ;:~,~~cel~~I.n~fr~~u;~e!x~~if,~~Er::~~Jo~~~r J;f::! tA<;n. ~'· try of this Fabrick, challeng'd the Epicttreans, to find but one ofall the numerous parts ~f~:~:~;~ ~~~~0b~k~~:~' ip~~~~~~d~~?t~fo~~~ret!a~;a3t~~o~~er;~~~~~l::d~l~ts !~~~r ~:bra~ ~~rt~ ~. ,'"ji«~ their Opinion, that Chance was the Author of it. In particular he makes an inquiry whe- ;'1; ,".J;:/1-;;,'i therthe Hea rt thatdoesthe office of the Sun in .thatlittleWorld, could be plac'd better ""'l"G;,, d than in the middle oftheBre{[,and evidently proves it could not,with refpell:tothe ufes of ~~~form: e the feveral Faculties, that from it,as the firft Fountain, derive necdfary [upplie~ for their ex~ ercife.