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f'\...1\./1 Chap.15. VYl.J <Jhe Harmony of the Vivine Attributes CHAP. XV. PraClicallnferences, In the Death of Chrijl: there ii tbe cleareft difcovery of the Evil of Sin. The ftriClnefi of Divine Juftice ii moft vifible ;., it. The Conjideration of the Endi . of Chriji:'I Death tak.!s off the fcar.dal of the Crofi, and changes the 0/f:nce into admiration. The Satisfaction of Juftice by Ch•ijl:'s.Sujferingi ajforas the ftrongeft affurance tbat God ii ready to p~rdo11 SinneTI. The abfolute 1ieceffity of complying with tbe Tm;u of the '<?.ofpel for Jujlijicatiou. Tbere are but two wayi of appearing before the s,.. preme Judge: Eitbtr i11 lnnoctltce, or by the R.ightcoufnefs of Chrift. The Caufci wby Men rejeCI ·Chrijl: are, a lega l TeNJper that ii natural to them, and the predominant love uf Sin. The unavoidable mifcry of all that will not [ubmit to 011r Saviour•. t. FRomhence'we may difcover mofl: clearly the evil of Sin, which no Sacrifice could expiate but the Blood of the Son of God. 'Tis true, the internal Malignity of Sin, abfl:ratled from its dreadful.Effetls, is mofl: worthy of our hatred: For 'tis in its own Nature direl.l: Enmity againfl: God, and obfcures the Glory of all his Attributes. 'Tis the violation of his Majelly, who is the univerfal Sovereign of Heaven and Earth. A contrarie.ty to his Holinefs, which lhines forth in his Law. A defpifing his Goodnefs, the attractive to Obedience. The contempt of his Omnifcience, which fees every fin when 'tis committed. The Oighting of his terrible Jufl:ice and Power, as if the finner could iecure himfelf from his Indignation. A denial of his Truth, as if the Threatning :verea.vain:rerrono fcare Men from Sin. And all this done voluntarily, to pleafe an ir(egular corrupt Appetite, by a defpicable Creature, who abfolutely depends upon Gael ,f~r l)js Jleing and Happinefs. · Thefe Conl!derations-ferioully,ponderd, are mofl: proper to difcover the extremity of its E•il. But feQ(\Ql~ ~.mon(lrations are mofl:· powerful to convince and affetl us : And thofe are taken from.the fearful Puni'lhmenrs that·are inflil.l:ed for Sin. Now the Torment~ . pf Hell, which-.ate the jufl: and full recompence of fin, are not fenfible till they are ine.vimble. And temporal Judgments cannot' lully declare the infinite Djfpleafure of Qod,againfl: the wilful contempt of hi s Authority. Bur in the Sufferings of Chrifl: 'tis ex11r~fl: to. the utmofl:. 1 If Jufl:ice it fe!Fhad rent the Heavens, and come down •in the moll .vil!ble Terror to re~enge the Rebellions of Men, it could never have mad<' llronger i!I]pre!J:ions upon us than1the Death of Chrifl: dQiy'confidered. The Defl:rul.l:ion 'of the W0fid; by Water, the Jlliraculous burning oVSodom and Gomorrah by fho~rs ·of Fire, and. a!) other the m0.fl: r.eriible Judgments, do nut afford fuch' '"' Cen!ible infhuctlon of the evil of Sin. If we regard the Dignity of his Perfon, and the depth of hisSufferings, He is an unparalle!'d Example of God's Indignation for the breach of his Holy Law. For he that was the Son of God, and the Lord of Glory, was made • Man of Sorrows. He endured Derifion, Scourgings, Stripes, and at lafl: a cruel and curfed Death. Tbe Holy of Holies was crucified between two Thei,·es. By how much the Life of Chrifl: was more precious than the Jives of all Men, fomochinhisDeathdoththeWrath of God appear more fully againfl: Sin, than it would in the defl: rutlion of the whole ~~ri~P~!J~~~~f'w~~~ t~~~s ,.~!:~~:~~~~:b~"8~J!;~~~~i:~~e~:~da~;o~~;~(: forced from him thofe llrong Cries, that moved all the Powers of Heaven and Earth with Compa!lion. If the Curtain were drawn afide, and we lhould look into theChambers of Death, where !inners lie down in Sorrow for e"er, and bear the woful Expreffions and deep Complaints of the Damned, with what horror and di!lral.l:ion they fpeak of their Torments, we could not have a fuller tefl:imony of God's Infinite difpleafure againfl: l!n, than in the Anguilh and Agonies of our Redeemer. For whatever his Sufferings ,we! kind, yet in their degree a,nd )lleafure they were equally terrible with thofe that'coildemned Sinners endure. Now, how is it pollible that Rational Agents lhould freely, in the open Light, for perifhing Vanities, dare to commit fin.> Can they aYoid or endure the Wrath of an Incenfed God? If God fpared not his Son when he came in the fimilitude of finful Flelh, how !hall Sinners who are deeply and tmiverfally defiled, efcape? Can they forti fie themfelves againfl: the fupreme Judge? Can they encounter with · the