in Contriving Man's Redemption. ~~Vth7:~~ ;~d':na::f:f:;~;;~~~~st'!;t~~ ~~;r:~; ;eo:;;~;;ed 0~~:ll~n~n~eJ:f~~~~~ llS from the Wrath to come. In the .Law, the condemning Righteoufnefs of God is~ made vil!ble, in the Gofpel, his jullifying Righteoufnefs is revealed, from Faith to Faith, Rom. 1. 17. And this is an infallible proof of its divine Defcent. For whereas all other Religions either il:upify Con[cience, and harden it in carnal Security, or terrify .it by continual Alarms of Vengeance; the Gofpel alone bath difcoveted how God may lhew Mercy to repenting Sinners without Injury to his Jullice. The Heathens robb'd one Attribute to enrich another. Either they conceived God to be indulgent to their Sins, and eafy to pardon, to the Prejudice of his Jullice; dr cruel and revengeful, to the Difhonour of his Goodnefs: But Chrillians are infrruCted how thefe are wonderfully reconciled and magnified in our Redemption. From hence there is a Divine Calm in the Confcience, and that Peace which pajfeth Vitderflanding. The Soul is not only freed !~~~~hbi~~e0l~~i;!,AJ!e~~· ~~~t ,h;.t~:h~~~t ~~ko~fa~~~:v~~; ·;~v~l~~~., !Fi~~ lievers, that they .re come to God the Judge of aU, dnd to Jejiu the Mediator of the NewCovenant, and to the Blood offprinl<fing that fpea4.s better things than the Blood of Abei. Tho apprehen!Jon of God as the Judge of the World, frrikes the guilty with Fear and Terror; but as he is fweetned by the Mediator, we may approach to him with confidence. For what Sins are there which fo entire a SatisfaCtion cloth not expiate? What Torments earl they deferve, which his Wounds and Stripes have not removed? God is jufr as well as merciful in jufrifying thofe who believe in Jefos. Tis not the quality of Sins, but of ;;;."~het~ear~ ~~'fC!5t~~ef~~~:~:~:~odC:JliiCkn~v~~~f~~~e:n:~a~/::0 :eea~~; ~~-peni5· From hence we inay learn, how abfolute a neceffity there is for our coming to Chrifr for J ullification. . . There are but lwo ways of appearing before the Righteous and Supreme Judge-: 1. In lnnocerieeand finlefs Obedience: Ot, 2. By the Righteoufnefs ofChrifr. The Qlle is by the Law, the other by Grace. And there two can never be compounded; for he that pleads Innocence, in that difclaims Favour; and he that fues for Favour, acknowledges Guilt. Now thejirfl cannot be performed by us. For entire Obedience to the Law foppofes the Integrity ofour Natures, there being a ntoral Impoffibility that the Faculties once corrupted fhould aCt regularly: But Man is frained with Original fin from his Conception. And the form of the Law runs univerfally, Curfed n every one that obeJS not in .u things which are written in the Boolz of the Law to do them, Gal. 3. to. In thefe Scales owe evil Work preponderates a thoufand good. If a Man were guilty but of one fingle Etror, his intire Obedience afterwards eould not fave him; for that being always due to the Law, the payment of it cannot difcouritfor the former Debt. So that we cannot in any degree be juflified by •the Law; for there is no middle between tranfgreffing, and not tranfgreffing it. He that breaks one Article in a Covenant, cuts off his claim to any Benefit by it. BrieRy, the Law jufrifies only the perfefr, and condemns without difrinttion all that are guilty. So that to p'retend Jufrification by the Works of it is as unreafonable, . as for a Man to produce in Court the Bond which obliges him to his Creditor, in tefrimony that he ows him not·hing. Whoever prefumes to appear before God's Judgment· Seat in his own Righteoufnefs !hall be covered with confufion. 2. By the Righteoufnefs of Chrifr. This alone abfolves from the Guilt of Sin, faves from Hell, and can endure the trial of God's Tribunal. This the Apofrle prized as his nnvaluable Treafure, Phi!. 3· 9· in comparifon of which aU other things are b11t drofs La:~~;,~ ;h~~a;L;;:~ ;hf:.~'hdt~; ';;!t!, ;;~f;;~~1h:~i:,:;,r~$h:;,;f/,'{:;/(J:<:lb;1.:~~ That which he ordained, and rewarded in the Perfon of our Redeemer, he cannot but a~cept. Now this Righte6ufnefs is meritorioully imputed only to Believ<!rs : For dependmg folely upon the Will of God as to its Being and EffeCts, it cannot poffibly be reckoned to any for their Benefit and Advantage, but in that way which he bath appointed, The Lord Chrifr, who made SatisfaCtion, tells us, that the Benefit of it is communicated only through our Believing. 1God fo loved the World, that he gave hn only begotten Sen, that whofoever bclieveth on him, foaU not perifh, Job. 3· 16. As all Sins are mortal in refpell of their Guilt, but Death is not aCtually infliCted for them, upon the account of the Gr~ce of the New Covenant: So all Sins are venial in re16,Ct of the Satisfaction madci ~JhTc~n~~r1~~t~?.~~:~.~~ a~~~:~tf.~t~r~e~hetg~itl~efr~~ ~h~i~fn~~rt~~ ~~~~!~~~fi~~ And